As we celebrate worker's day today let's all evaluate our performances in our places of work and ask ourselves if we really deserve the earnings we receive and worth to be celebrated.
Let's ask ourselves some questions:
If we decide to resign in our place of work, what will be the reaction of our boss or management?
Would they gladly accept our resignation letter and breath out a big sign of relief or get sad at the potential they are losing?
In our various jobs and professions how many people have we been able to put a smile on their faces,raised their hope,build lives and offer assistances to, while performing our statutory duties at work?
Have we highlighted our strengths to keep improving on and our weaknesses to find solutions and work on it ?
Do we channel our thinking towards the goals and objectives of the place where we work and trying our best we attain the goals and objectives set by the organization ?
Worker's Day should not be just a matching affair,having fun and a free time to rest but rather,a day to think about how we can contribute our own potentials into the attainment of the goals and objectives of our places of work.
If we all do our jobs judiciously then we are assured of a great worker,organization and most importantly our great nation NIGERIA..
Wishing every worker out there Happy Worker's Today.