

Friday, 30 May 2014

Failing To Grow Up

 So naive was l
Thinking l could do it
Do you please everyone?
Do everyone please you?
So naïve was l
I could hardly believe it
Failing to grow up

I could hardly be at peace
I could hardly not be friendly
I could hardly not say what's on my mind.
So naïve was l
I could hardly believe it
Thinking I could do it
Failing to grow up

Do people cease from hurting
Do they?
Do l?
What a world
I could hardly believe it
So naïve was l
Thinking I could do it
Failing to grow up

Should it be a bother?
Should it not?
Words actions
Does it really matter
So naïve was l
Thinking I could do it
Failing to grow up

Do we get to
Hear what we want to hear
See what we want to see
Get what we want to get
I could hardly believe it
Thinking it will always be my way
I could hardly believe
Thinking I could do it
So naïve was l
Failing to grow up

Thursday, 29 May 2014

My dream democratic country.

My democratic day dream....Democracy Day!!!! 

I have another version of democratic country where I can then celebrate democratic day until then:
Where I don't have to shout anytime Phcn restores electricity supply.
Where I don't have to worry about job employment after graduating from school.
Where our health centers are well equipped with ultra modern facilities and virtually free for all masses.
Where we have good networking roads that access easy movement.
Where farming is not gradually fading away and the farmers are supported financial to practice mechanized farming.
Where basic amenities are not luxuries but a thing of necessities
Where our men don't scared of saying "I do" because of the cost of living and the responsibilities after marriage.
Where there is almost free communication means.where I can network,call,text and browse at almost free rates.
Where I don't get dazed when I visit other countries at the beauties and standard of living because I have them in my country too.
Where I don't scared of visiting other parts of the country and sleep with mine eyes closed.
Where my vote counts and elections is fair and just.
Where justice is not tampered with irrespective of who it is.
Where qualitative and standard education is available for free to every child.facilities such as writing materials also available for the every child.
Where leaders aspire to work for the betterment of the masses and the nation and understand that the weight of being a leader which has to countable for thereafter.
These and many of my dreams
Somebody wake me up!
Are these too much for Nigerian Masses?
Happy Democracy Day

Sunday, 25 May 2014

White Lies

After a busy week I decided to sleep well and wake up late this morning being Sunday. my kids voices woke me up from sleep I used the pillow to cover my head and diva under the bedspread to prevent me from hearing their voices but when they kept on I knew I had to end the much desired sleep and attend to them. I walked over to their room and was shocked at the sorry sight before me. the room was in a total disarray with toys,clothes and shoes scattered all over the room. the most annoying part was writings and drawings all over the room's walls with permanent markers.
I lamented "who did these on the wall and made the room a mess" they both answered in a chorus "its not me ooh" "its not me ooh" .It was so funny because they both had ink stains on their hands and kept raising their hands up saying Mummy "its not me ooh".I wasn't so surprised at their behavior because I read and studied about children and white lies which is also a developing process for children.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Ladies Think Like a Man

The way men think is so different from the way we women think. Almost every woman is guilty of feeling bad that we don't get the responses we want from our husbands. It's so funny that men hardly have it in them to talk and talk over issues like women will want to. Its is therefore necessary we understand how to bring out them out of their shells and get them involve in our daily lives discussions and routines by learning how to put a lot things across to them.
A friend sent these points to me and I feel I should share with every women out there.

Stop reminding your husband about things over and over. Don’t make him feel guilty or nitpick him about small stuff. One friend said that when we constantly remind our husbands about diet, weight, medication, picking up the dry cleaning, etc., we are actually acting more like his mother than his wife.

Don’t make your husband earn your respect.  Many women think, I’ll respect him when he earns it. As one friend said: “If women could learn to understand that respect is a man's native tongue, that it absolutely heals his heart and ministers to him like nothing else, it would make the biggest difference in the world.”

Stop giving your husband your long term to-do list. A colleague warns against overwhelming your husband with too much information. You may unintentionally cause him to feel like a failure, thinking that your long list means you are discontent. Or, he may incorrectly assume that you want him to do something immediately.

Don’t act like your spouse is a mind reader. Instead, be specific about your requests. One busy mom said that she used to feel overwhelmed with household chores, wishing her spouse would help her. She now realizes that the only way he knows her needs is when she tells him. “Most often,” she says, “when I simply say, ‘Honey, will you tuck the kids in tonight while I get the kitchen cleaned up,’ he is glad to help.” She’s discovered that a few words are all it takes “to change a resentment-filled, stressed-out night into a team-effort bonding time.”

Stop putting housework ahead of hubby. One young mom told her husband that she didn't want to make love one night because she had just changed the sheets and she wanted them to stay clean. What do you think that response said to her husband? Another woman, who puts her husband ahead of the housework, said: “Do not leave the unfolded laundry on your marriage bed.”

Put an end to taking the lead because you think he won't take it. “The first many years of our marriage,” one wife said, “I would see what needed to be done and get frustrated that my husband would not take charge and get it done.” She went on to say that she’s changed by learning to wait on her husband’s leadership. “I really believe,” she says, “that our men don't lead because we women are too quick to jump in and take care of it all.”

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Food for Thought

Not until we all join hands to agree on what will be of benefit to our generation regardless of our personal interest, belief,age, financial status and reasoning. then we will all leave a great legacy for the future generation to dwell in peace and tranquility...

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Little Drops of Water

  Life is full of untold surprises and that is why we must all be nice with people around us and most importantly love your "neighbor as yourself".
 We have heard of stories of individuals whom people thought will never become something in life,rising from grass to grace. Some people are of the believe that it is a stain on their status to even have interactions with people below them.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Little Things Counts.

It is so sad and a pity at the little things that will aid our children's development and exposure, how we tend to ignore and don't take advantage of it as parents to encourage learning of our children.
Here are some things l feel we tend to neglect and has great influence on our kids. This is because lots of kids learn new things in different ways and "all work no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Office Politics

How to Survive Office Politics

Office politics are a fact of life in every workplace where more than one person works, and some offices have particularly difficult political situations. However, with some attention to your behavior and that of your coworkers, it's possible to cope effectively with office politics. This article will guide you through the steps on how to survive office politics.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Knowledge spiced with Wisdom

To lead successfully a leader must have versatile knowledge and intelligence spiced with wisdom to lead. It also important to have passionate goals and objectives in mind to sell out with zeal to the subordinate. This kind of leader succeeds because both the leader and the subordinates have the same mind set and are working towards the set goals and objections.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Rekindle the Sparks in Marriage.

Being a parent can sometimes wear us out that we sometimes tend to forget that romantic part of us and afraid or don't see why we should be a hard working parent and still have the sparkles in our marriages.

Saturday, 3 May 2014


The act of kindness is not just giving out charity to the needy but also saying kind and encouraging words to the troubled mind. Make someone smile today with your act of kindness.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Worker's Day

As we celebrate worker's day today let's all evaluate our performances in our places of work and ask ourselves if we really deserve the earnings we receive and worth to be celebrated.