

Thursday, 26 November 2015

A cheerful Heart.

How much do you know about  cheerfulness?

According to a new study in the American Journal of Cardiology , having a cheerful disposition and outlook on life could protect you from heart attack.

A cheerful heart is good medicine for the body and soul.If we can go through our daily activities with cheerfulness,we will have a positive attitude towards anything that comes our way .Cheerfulness comes with alots of goodies such as love,enjoyment,inspiration and fulfilment. No wonder cheerful people attracts others to themselves like "sugar attracts ants".

A cheerful individual has a great gift of life which is a valuable asset.Life seems easy to such an individual because they are not unnecessarily angry or grumpy about things.


This life is too short for one to be miserable while we have the option to be happy with our lives with cheerfulness whether things are going on smoothly in our lives or otherwise. Cheerfulness comes from within us which radiates like a shining star to all our endeavours.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Readers are leaders

                   Readers are leaders

Ways to encourage children to read,make reading fun and part of their daily activities.

1.Read to your child starting at an early age.
2.As your children grow introduce them to books that match their interests and hobbies.
3.Read together throughout the day,every day.
4.Fill your child's room with books.
5 .Offer to reward your children if they read.
6.Scatter reading materials throughput your houses in every room.
7 . Read both fiction and non fiction tittles.
8.Choose books about topics,subjects or themes your child loves.
9.Make sure your children see you regularly read for yourself.
10.Visit the library  and book stores regularly.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

For every parents

Every Parent wants a better life for their children than the ones the parents went through when growing up .Agreed,education is the best legacy any parent can give to their children. But there are some many other things we need to incorporate in the lives of our children as we observe  our parenting roles to make them better off.

 1.Practise religion and belief in God.
We will be doing a great harm to our kids if we're practising our various religions and not encouraging our offsprings to participate actively in the doctrines for them to become a God fearing adults.

 2.Stand up for themselves
Statistics have shown that 1 in every 6 children is bullied on a regular basis . Children need to be taught the values of life and have firm believe in themselves so that they don't fall into the pressure of peers or bullying . This also entails teaching them to talk to their parents about any pressure or bully they face  and also respecting others values and beliefs.

 3.Think Critically
Giving children the opportunity to think critically about decisions they are about to take makes them take better decisions later in life. Parents should allow children come up with some answers whether in school work or choices of wants.

 4.How to be Independent
A large per cent  of grown adults these days can hardly perform some simple home chores or basic things in life.
Ignorance or never being taught is listed as the second top reason for this. Parents should include their kids in their daily activities.By getting involved they learn lots of skills from their parents and therefore live independently when they are on their own.

 5.Value of money and time
Getting children involved in the act of saving money and not wasting time is very important because this habit will form  an integral part of their lives in future.

 6.Build relationships and respect
Children should be able to learn the importance of building relationships from their parents. Maintaining a good relationship with people around and families matters alot.Remembering important dates such as wedding anniversary,birthday etc.Exchanging greetings and wishing people well,saying "thank you",helping people,
reassure children that mistakes are good not bad are some the personal development every individual needs . Children learn all these when they see their parents doing all these acts.

 7.Readers are leaders
Great leaders are readers.It doesn't matter the child's age lot and lots of books should be introduced to children.Parents should get lots of books for children according to each child's age ranging from pictorials, spellings, story books e.t.c to read.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

International day of the girl child.

"A girl child brings joy, she is no less than a boy"

International Day Of The Girl

The joy of parenting knows more joy when a girl child is brought to the world.The beauty of a girl child continues when she starts to exhibit the role of a sister to her siblings,the role of a helper and friend to her mother, the role of a comforter to her husband and a great asset to her nation because if you train a girl child you have trained the whole nation.

        "No girl – so, no mother –        ultimately no life"

She is a unique creature from God to make the world splendid.

Investment in girl child education benefits the individual, society, and the world as a whole.Supporting the girl child makes her a confident woman which radiates in lots of people's lives. Filling her growing life up with love and care brings up a passionate woman about different causes of life because this influences her reasonings in all her endeavours.

    Promte the girl child!!!
Happy International Girl Child Day

Thursday, 1 October 2015

My independence day message to every Nigeria

Today I remembered some years back when I was in primary school and we were all full of excitement to wave at the present  president then during every independence day.
We had on sparkling white socks and neatly ironed uniforms.....Oooh such great memories.All that matters to my young mind and friends then was the opportunity to be able to wave to the president and  get a smile from him.

2015.....55years old Nigeria

Today is another October 1st  and l woke up early eagerly waiting to hear the presidential speech from the present president(President Muhammad Buhari)and all that matters to my adult mind is the state of the country,provision of basic amenities for the masses,security state of the county,health sector,electricity,education and the list is endless.
Independence day for me is not all about wearing green white green or attending functions . It's all about what the government is doing about the wellbeing of the masses and that little little right act we the masses engage ourselves in.
Are we throwing trash on the floor or throwing it in the dustbin?
How well do we do our jobs in our various fields?
Nigeria is a great country abundantly endowed with lots of minerals resources,diverse cultures, intelligent individuals and richly blessed land.Singing over and again the national anthem gives me the spirit of being a true patriotic Nigerian.....
Reciting the pledge should serve as a source of reminder for every Nigeria our duty to make this country a greater one....
We cannot afford to let the 55 years old country down....
We need to uphold the dreams of our heroes past and make Nigeria great.
The young mind who is all excited to get a glance at the president and share a wave of the flag will one day become the leader of tomorrow.Adult nigerians have a duty to  nuture a positive young Nigerian.
For the "young shall grow " The adult mind needs the love of this country to make it greater.
Let's all join hands both young and old to make Nigeria a great Nation.

God bless Nigeria!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Leaders of tomorrow.

We want leaders that will give back to the society,we want leaders and youths with a sense of humanity.
We want children who will show compassion for others and  understand the plight of people.

But we forget that we are lacking in our duties and responsibilities to instil in our children...leaders of tomorrow these basic principles of life.

What attitude as parents do we have for our kids to emulate.
What has the school curriculum taught these leaders of tomorrow about community services.
And what example as the society shown to them to make children have human feelings?

This is all about everyone.
It's high time we start engaging our children in active community service development.Once our children are involve in giving back to the society it becomes part of their personal development.

We don't need to start preaching when they become adults.They are already impressing us because they are giving back to the society because it has become an integral part of their character.

Then,in the nearest future we shall start to have youths and leaders who will have a mentality of making sure that each of their jurisdiction is adequately taken care of according to their capabilities.

I foresee a kind of future where aspiring leaders will come to manifestos and political debates with a portfolio of the services to humanity they have rendered and not "When I become. ........... l will construct roads,l will build schools and so on like we hear in our present day.

God Bless Nigeria!!!

Nafi's blog@ www.nafisustain.com

Food for thought

No matter how small we rate our lives there's always someone out there wishing they had at least a the least part of our kind of lives.

No matter the situation we find ourselves we need to always give thanks to our creator for the gift of life we have.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Don't let the things you want make you forget or lose the good things you have at hand.

At times we search greedily for the wants of life to the extent that we end up losing or forgetting the great things we have in our lives.

When we are too desperate reaching for things  beyond our capabilities and reach  over and over again and yet to come to  reality,we definitely need to be careful not falling a victim of losing it all.

There's no harm in trying out new things and reaching out for challenges in life.But,there are some risk we should never take just out of our impulsiveness.Taking smart and calculated risk and being in control is better than jumping before you look and regretting our actions.Taking time out to think about our decisions saves the disaster our impulsiveness consideration will cost in our lives.

As the wise sayings goes "Look before you leap" and "Take smart and calculated risk"

Thursday, 13 August 2015

I am greatly inspired by this great MAMA!!!

Every time l meet with people with outstanding characters something in them just inspires me to keep moving on and once in a while l stumble into big big fish ...
And today I met with a big fish who is a prestigious educator,a woman of great character and a youngish Mama. l want to get every teachers inspired by  sharing this great mama on my blog.
            Get Inspired

Mrs Felicia Olaku is a 69 years old woman who looks like a 45 years old.She is a teacher,mentor,motivational speaker and also into counselling.
She started teaching professional in the year 1971 before she went for further studies.She has G2,NCE,BSC and Master Degree in Adult Education.
She has taught and handled various post in various schools both here in the country and in coutuno.
Her Passion:she total loves children and want the best for them.
Secret to her youngish and smart look:Lots of exercise,driving and eating healthy food.
Her Advice to teachers:Teachers should take their job seriously. Put in their best and never allow the negative impacts of other teachers affect their productivity. She strongly believes God will always elevate those kind of teachers to a greater level.
Mrs Felicia Okaku is a proud owner of a prestigious school named Fountain of Wisdom which is located at Opic Estate Ogun State.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

What's the new thought? Thinking outside the box

" There is no future in any job. The future lies in the man who holds the job"
     George W.Crane

No amount of the sacrifices made for career development is a waste. When it comes growth and success,the ability to choose a career that will spring up opportunities for development is very important.
It is our choice to choose which benefits us most.
It is either we choose immediate satisfaction or delay our satisfaction and have the opportunity to grow in our various careers.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Recognising children with attention disorder(ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  ADHD

It’s normal for children to occasionally forget
their homework, daydream during class, act
without thinking, or get fidgety at the dinner
table. But inattention, impulsivity, and
hyperactivity are also signs of attention deficit
disorder (ADD/ADHD), which can affect your
child’s ability to learn and get along with others.

The first step to addressing the problem is to
recognize the signs and symptoms.
What is ADD / ADHD?
We all know kids who can’t sit still, who never
seem to listen, who don’t follow instructions no
matter how clearly you present them, or who
blurt out inappropriate comments at
inappropriate times. Sometimes these children
are labeled as troublemakers, or criticized for
being lazy and undisciplined. However, they may
have ADD/ADHD.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
is a disorder that appears in early childhood. You
may know it by the name attention deficit
disorder, or ADD. ADD/ADHD makes it difficult
for people to inhibit their spontaneous responses
—responses that can involve everything from
movement to speech to attentiveness.
Is it normal kid behavior or is it ADHD?
The signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD typically
appear before the age of seven. However, it can
be difficult to distinguish between attention
deficit disorder and normal “kid behavior.”
If you spot just a few signs, or the symptoms
appear only in some situations, it’s probably not
ADD/ADHD. On the other hand, if your child
shows a number of ADD/ADHD signs and
symptoms that are present across all situations
—at home, at school, and at play—it’s time to
take a closer look.
Once you understand the issues your child is
struggling with, such as forgetfulness or
difficulty paying attention in school, you can
work together to find creative solutions and
capitalize on strengths.

There are three types of ADHD:
(3)A combination of both

Symptoms of ADHD
(1)Hyperactivity — Hyperactive behavior is defined as
excessive fidgetiness or talking, difficulty
remaining seated when required to do so,
difficulty playing quietly, and frequent
restlessness or always seeming to be "on the go".
These symptoms are usually seen by the time a
child is four years old and typically increase over
the next three to four years. The symptoms may
peak in severity when the child is seven to eight
years of age, after which they often begin to
decline. By the adolescent years, the hyperactive
symptoms may be less noticeable, although ADHD
can continue to be present.
(2)Impulsivity — Impulsive behavior almost always
occurs with hyperactivity in younger children. It
can cause difficulty waiting turns, blurting out
answers too quickly, disruptive classroom behavior,
intruding or interrupting others' activities,
rejection by classmates, and unintentional injury.
Similar to the hyperactive symptoms, impulsive
symptoms are typically seen by the time a child is
four years old and increase during the next three
to four years to peak in severity when the child is
seven to eight years of age. However, impulsive
symptoms usually continue to be a problem
throughout the life of the individual.
(3)Inattention — Inattention may take many forms,
including forgetfulness, being easily distracted,
losing or misplacing things, disorganization,
underachievement in school, poor follow-through
with assignments or tasks, poor concentration, and
poor attention to detail.
Because of the developmental demands on a child
(eg, needing to pay attention, sit still), these
problems may become more obvious in school when
the child is eight to nine years old, although the
child may have symptoms at a younger age when at
home. Inattention is most likely to persist through
adolescence and potentially into adulthood.
healthcare provider is the best source of
information for questions and concerns related to
your child's medical problem.


Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Harmonising my thoughts with my lifestyle.

I have heard lots of things of recent(both silly and sensible ones),seen lots of funny characters displayed by people that makes you wonder(what the heck )and felt the impacts of selfless attitudes towards the betterment of humanity(and get whoah )

In the midst of my random musings I learnt to pick from the realities of life,because I have so many thoughts bombarding me from all corners of my brain.At a point I went blank from trying to judge the reasons for my actions or rules and regulations binding a cause.

Harmonising my own personal thoughts with every thoughts triggered by what I have heard people say about life,funny characters displayed by people that makes you wonder "what the heck " or even the selfless attitudes towards the betterment of humanity has formed a complete lifestyle to my personal development.Which formed the decision of maintaining the great characters in me and refining the ones that absolutely needs a complete wash to become new.

Counting the little achievements I have made and hoping to attain many more gives me lot's of joy than feeling bad at myself.

Accepting my role as a mother and an educator makes me buckle up at all my actions because l have young minds mirroring my actions.I don't want to misled the leaders of tomorrow.

Understanding the diversity of people attitudes and the influences on their characters does not put me on an edge when people act funny.

Inspiration from people with selfless contributions towards a better humanity gives me the courage to carry on too.

Disappointments,consequences of decisions made,sacrifices made,happy and sad  moments,congratulatory times,quite and loud moments and lot's more have harmonize my thoughts to form my lifestyle and say to myself and everyone around "that all is well"

Put a smile on your face no matter your condition.....
Fe eyin re

Sunday, 12 July 2015



Many young kids put nonfood items in their mouths
at one time or another. They're naturally curious
about their environment and might, for instance,
eat some dirt out of the sandbox.
Kids with pica, however, go beyond this innocent
exploration of their surroundings. Between 10%
and 30% of kids ages of 1 to 6 years have the
eating disorder pica, which is characterized by
persistent and compulsive cravings (lasting 1
month or longer) to eat nonfood items.
About Pica
The word pica comes from the Latin word for
magpie, a bird known for its large and
indiscriminate appetite.
Pica is most common in people with developmental
disabilities, including autism and mental
retardation, and in children between the ages of 2
and 3. Pica also may surface in children who've
had a brain injury affecting their development. It
can also be a problem for some pregnant women,
as well as people with epilepsy.
People with pica frequently crave and consume
nonfood items such as:
paint chips
laundry starch
baking soda
coffee grounds
cigarette ashes
burnt match heads
cigarette butts

Pica is an eating disorder that can result in serious
health problems, such as lead poisoning and iron-
deficiency anemia .

Signs of Pica
Warning signs that a child may have pica include:
repetitive consumption of nonfood items,
despite efforts to restrict it, for a period of
at least 1 month or longer
the behavior is considered inappropriate for
your child's age or developmental stage (older
than 18 to 24 months)
the behavior is not part of a cultural, ethnic,
or religious practice

Why Do Some People Eat Nonfood Items?

The specific causes of pica are unknown, but
certain conditions and situations can increase a
person's risk:
nutritional deficiencies , such as iron or zinc,
that may trigger specific cravings (however,
the nonfood items craved usually don't supply
the minerals lacking in the person's body)
dieting — people who diet may attempt to
ease hunger by eating nonfood substances to
get a feeling of fullness
malnutrition , especially in underdeveloped
countries, where people with pica most
commonly eat soil or clay
cultural factors — in families, religions, or
groups in which eating nonfood substances is
a learned practice
parental neglect, lack of supervision, or food
deprivation — often seen in children living in
developmental problems , such as mental
retardation, autism, other developmental
disabilities, or brain abnormalities
mental health conditions , such as obsessive-
compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia
pregnancy, but it's been suggested that pica
during pregnancy occurs more frequently in
women who exhibited similar practices during
their childhood or before pregnancy or who
have a history of pica in their family
Eating earth substances such as clay or dirt is a
form of pica known as geophagia, which can cause
iron deficiency. One theory to explain geophagia is
that in some cultures, eating clay or dirt may help
relieve nausea (and therefore, morning sickness),
control diarrhea, increase salivation, remove toxins,
and alter odor or taste perception.
Some people claim to enjoy the taste and texture
of dirt or clay or other non-food item, and eat it
as part of a daily habit (much like smoking is a
daily routine for others). Pica may also be a
behavioral response to stress.
Another explanation is that pica is a cultural
feature of certain religious rituals, folk medicine,
and magical beliefs. For example, some people in
various cultures believe that eating dirt will help
them incorporate magical spirits into their bodies.
None of these theories, though, explains every
form of pica. A doctor must treat each case
individually to try to understand what's causing
the condition.

A child who continues to consume nonfood items
may be at risk for serious health problems,
lead poisoning (from eating lead-based paint
chips or dirt contaminated with lead)
constipation or diarrhea (from consuming
indigestible substances like hair, cloth, etc.)
intestinal obstruction or perforation (from
eating objects that could block or injure the
dental injury (from eating hard substances
that could harm the teeth)
parasitic and other infections (from eating
dirt, feces, or other infected substances)

Culled from KidsHealth

Sunday, 21 June 2015

My daddy is a great man.

My Daddy is a smart man
He choose a good and pious woman to be our mother.

My Daddy is a responsible man he takes care of my mother and the kids needs.

My Daddy has a big heart
He receives and spends generously on us without regret.

My Daddy is great man
He is always there for us.

My Daddy is strong man
He protects and guards the family.

My Daddy is a great role model
He teaches us lessons of life and

My Daddy is a nice man
He helps in establishing personal boundaries between mummy and the children.

My Daddy is a friendly man
He taught us how to ride bicycle and many fun games.

My Daddy is a honorable man
He sticks to his words of providing the best legacy for us.

My Daddy is a nice man.
He treats my mother and us with respect.

My Daddy is a kind man
He sees the best in us even when we were not at our best.

My Daddy is a loving man
He cherishes mummy and us.

My Daddy is a thoughtful man
He choose great and meaningful names for us.

My Daddy is a blessed man
He taught us the way of the lord.

This poem is dedicated to my Daddy and all Daddy's in the world.
Happy father's Day.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

My lips are sealed....My heart is open

My lips are sealed
My heart is open

Sometimes we have the opportunity to peep into others lives.
The things we see and hear.
Makes one appreciates the little things in our lives.

My lips are sealed
My heart is open

We often feel saddened
We often feel what a waste
But again a walk downtown to reality of life melts away our ugly thoughts

My lips are sealed
My heart is open

This is a journey we embark on
This is who we are.
This is the life we live.
Sometimes it's high with goodies
Sometimes it's just our normal lives.
Sometimes it's nothing we want to talk about.
But again a peep into others lives makes our lives the best.
A walk downtown to the reality of life  melts our ugly thoughts away......

And again............
My lips are sealed
My heart is open


I rather remain appreciative
I rather remain thankful
I rather remain open to the realities of life.

And then
My lips will be full of praises
My heart will be open to tidings of life.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

A glimpse into the future.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn,unlearn and relearn"
Alvin Toffler

It's been a while I wrote on my blog. I have been very busy with lots of activities towards career development.My head is full of lots of new information for futuristic thinking,am searching for where to download it.Before inspiring into the future we have to have a picture of what we want.

It's normal for us to relax and do the same thing,the same way every time.It makes things easier we think,but have we thought about thinking outside box and searching for something new and we will be marvelled at the extent we are missing at the latest technologies on our various fields.We are living in exponential time where many things are changing so fast and many things are controlled by the mind.

We need to open our hearts to asolve new things,open our eyes to see new things and open our ears to hear about new things.

Probably just a new dimension into our businesses will be a turning point for us and we begin to smile at the successes we have achieved.

 Get Inspired and have a glimpse into the future.Start engaging in activities the brings out a new and greater dimension in your life,in your place of work and in  your business so that you can feature in the picture of the nearest future.


Friday, 5 June 2015

My recipe:Ugu leaves pepper soup with Agidi

Check out  my recipe

Ugu leaves pepper soup with Agidi.

Some facts about pumpkin leaves (Ugu)

Fluted pumpkin belongs to the leafy green family.
 Ugu leaves are highly nutritious and very rich in potassium,
calcium, iron and some folic acid.
Pumpkin leaves(Ugu)is packed with lots of benefits such as
*Lower cholesterol.
*Boost fertility.
*Blood forming effects.
*Boost the immune system.

Pumpkin leaves popularly called Ugu can be eaten as or added to soups such as
*Ofe -owerre


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Basket full of abundant goodies for mankind

  It's raining it's pouring
     The forests are smiling
     The leaves are green
     The grass are fresh
     Abundant food
     For mankind

I am so passionate about cooking and eating healthy food in different varieties. That is why lam always excited when the rain starts pouring because of the basket full of goodies it brings with it.
...........ls it colours or just the freshness?

The market is always my favourite place to visit, owning to bright colours of varieties of fruits and vegetables that you will find in the market.

God truly loves us mankind by blessing us with the rain which gives us  varieties of delicious fruits, vegetables and grains to make different recipes.

 Oooh! How I love the colours of fruits in all shades,the freshness of vegetables ,the pleasant smell of sea foods and the nutritional values of grains we eat.

Longing to eat lots of snails in pepper sauce,ooh periwinkles in okra soup with lots of fish,my longing will not  be complete without eating lots of fresh pumpkin leaves(ugu soup)with lots of assorted in it,roasted corn,cooked corn and beans is a pleasant meal to eat,sweet and succulent fruits and the bountiful blessings is endless.

So what are we all waiting for?Let's all start enjoying the numerous blessings of God in food basket as the rainy season starts....***winks***

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Skip the serious attitude for once and have fun.

Yesterday was children's day and I had loads of fun with my children.

Age is just a number like they say and l allowed myself to get involved with the children's activities and l felt lot's of joy,energy and vitality.No  wonder children are always excited to have fun at any opportunity they have.
Why do we have to act serious all the time and miss having fun with our bundles of joy?
Having fun with our adults friends is cool but having fun with children is so thrilling and exciting. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood,
we’ve stopped playing. When we do carve out
some leisure time, we're more likely to zone out
in front of the TV or computer than engage in
fun, rejuvenating play like we did as children.Playing with the kids helps in aiding  children development, play
can also bring the family closer together and
strengthen the parent-child bond that will last a

Some benefits of play for you..
Play can:
1.Relieve stress. Play is fun and can trigger
the release of endorphins, the body’s natural
feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an
overall sense of well-being and can even
temporarily relieve pain.

2.Improve brain function. Playing chess,
completing puzzles, or pursuing other fun
activities that challenge the brain can help
prevent memory problems and improve brain
function. The social interaction of playing
with family and friends can also help ward
off stress and depression.

3.Stimulate the mind and boost creativity.
Young children often learn best when they
are playing—and that principle applies to
adults, as well. You’ll learn a new task
better when it’s fun and you’re in a relaxed
and playful mood. Play can also stimulate
your imagination, helping you adapt and
problem solve.

4.Improve relationships and your connection to
others. Sharing laughter and fun can foster
empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy
with others. Play doesn’t have to be a
specific activity; it can also be a state of
mind. Developing a playful nature can help
you loosen up in stressful situations, break
the ice with strangers, make new friends,
and form new business relationships.

5.Keep you feeling young and energetic. In
the words of George Bernard Shaw, “We
don’t stop playing because we grow old; we
grow old because we stop playing.” Playing
can boost your energy and vitality and even
improve your resistance to disease, helping
you feel your best.

Skip the serious attitude and have real fun today.

Source: Benefits of play
Photos credit:Nafisat

Change is here!!!

The big event is finally here and we can't all but breath out a long sign of relief and wait to see all the bountiful changes and good standard of living we all want to have unfolded.
The new government has brought out a new talent we never knew Nigeria youths had.
We have had series of trekkers in the cause of the new era and am still warming up for my own grand trek too  and lots of slogans has spread around the country l  have lost count of the latest version to say.......
But  one of the slogans that I keep recalling is "CHANGE"
Change from the dictionary means  The process of becoming different.
For example..... product is undergoing a change in order to improve it.
As we all know that any product that is undergoing a change sometimes might need for the parts of the product to be completely changed and new bodies added to make it an improved one.
We all want a changed economy,a changed standard of living and lots of changes in the basic amenities.We therefore must be willing to change our as usual attitude and embrace the process of changes to get an improved country.The process must involve everyone both young or old, rich or poor and our common goal will make us attain a greater Nigeria.
# ChangetowardsagreatNigeria

What’s the change you badly want from the new government?

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Power of internship in career development.

Power of internship in career  development.

An internship is:
A structured work experience related to a
student's major and/or career goal
An experience that should enhance a
student's academic, career, and personal
Supervised by a professional in the field
An experience that can be one academic
term (summer, spring, fall) or multiple
academic terms in length
Paid or unpaid, part-time or full-time
An experience that is mutually agreed upon
by the student, supervisor and/or faculty
Meets registration requirements for 0
credit hour or academic internship course
It’s important to note that to qualify as an
internship the position does not have to be
labeled “internship”. Many part time jobs,
volunteer opportunities, or even summer
jobs can qualify as an internship.
Internships might also be called a
practicum or co-op.

Benefits of an Internship

One of the recurring themes in any entry level job
search is the lack of experience factor. "Where do
I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?"
The answer is simple: Get an internship!
Students planning to enter the permanent work
force should complement their academic
preparation with a range of other experiences,
such as study abroad, community service,
undergraduate research experiences, participation
in sports and other student organizations,
membership in pre-professional organizations, and
An internship offers you the chance to learn by
doing in a setting where you are supervised by a
work-place professional, and have the opportunity
to achieve your own learning goals, without the
responsibilities of being a permanent employee.
An internship also offers you the opportunity to
work with someone who can become a mentor for
you - not only in the internship, but throughout
your career.
Career Exploration
Learn about a career field from the inside
and decide if this is the right career field
for you
Work alongside a professional in your
chosen career area
Observe the work place and see if it
matches expectations
Leadership and Skill Development
Learn new skills and add to your knowledge
base while gaining confidence in your
Opportunity to practice communication and
teamwork skills
Gain industry knowledge first hand from
an organization and professionals
Provide evidence that you have initiative,
are reliable, and have a sense of
Apply some of the ideas learned in school
and provide a bridge between school and
the professional world
Achieve a sense of accomplishment by
contributing to an organization
Networking and Establishing Mentors and
Meet new people and practice networking
skills while establishing a network of
professional contacts, mentors, and
Open the door to a recommendation for
steps to take next on your career path
Resume Enhancements
Gain valuable experience and
accomplishments to add to your resume
and/or enhance your application to
Graduate School
Create an advantage over other job or
graduate school applicants
Potential for a full time job offer at the
end of the internship based on your.

Culled from
PomerantZ Career Center.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Take charge of your life.

Every person is responsible for all the good within
the scope of his abilities, and for no more.                                          -Gail Hamilton

Taking personal responsibility of our lives means we have the passion and will to effect changes in our lives.Though we may not attain it overnight but making an effort is good enough to a process of self confidence.

" When you blame others,you give up your power to change"

Taking charge of our lives means we're not trying to escape from our lives but taking control,facing what's up in our lives and thereby allowing new solutions open up for us.

Nobody knows the true you like you do and that's why you have to take charge of your live and allow good tidings come to your lives.

Give yourself the permission to live the life you want and have doing it.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Understanding our different personalities.

Every one has their own style of thinking,reasoning,networking, work ethics:-achieving goals, working,friendship,interacting, communicating and lots more.

Understanding your kind of personality and people around you makes life easier for you.
You don't have to get worked up when human natures catches up with you . Your understanding guides your interaction with others and how we want to be treated.

Being able to predict how other people might feel is a part of emotional intelligence.Part of emotional intelligence is reading body language,watching and listening to people . People who are good at understanding others are usually good listeners.

Four personality types that Alison Mooney has
divided people into.

Four Personality Types

1. The Playfuls – Energetic, funny, loud, enthusiastic, extroverts who love speaking to
people. They are best at networking and socializing. They are also unorganized, forgiving,
and easily distracted. They are innovative, full of ideas, creative, and tend to work fast.          

2.The Peacefuls – Just as the title says it, they crave peace and order. They are easy
going, patient, diplomatic – always avoiding confrontation with others. They are very
grounded, and are emotionally stable. They balance out companies who are on the move or
fast-paced, and are best at building a working team.

3.The Powerfuls – Authoritative presence, productive, decisive, take control, do not give up
easily, internally strong, get to the point, work hard and accomplishing their many goals.

4. The Precises – They value structure, order, and compliance. They are organized,
procedurally strong perfectionists. They put work before play and generally stop working
only after they have done everything right.

How to Interact With Each Personality Type

1.Playfuls typically want fondness, attention, and approval.

2.Powerfuls typically want credit, loyalty, and appreciation.

3.Precises typically want quiet, space to work alone, and sensitivity.

4.Peacefuls typically want respect, value, and harmony between people in the workplace.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Trekking galore: trekking towards a mosquito free Nigeria

Back on track after some days of dulling around from  catching the malaria bug laced with sore throat.
It wasn't funny at all.

Come to think of it these mosquitoes have super power these days. They tend to have hi-tech resistant power to anything you use in eradicating them out.
Insecticides is like perfume to them.
To make  matters worse  sleeping under a mosquito net is terrible due to the heat these days and our dear epileptic power supply in the country.

The latest is trekking galore.......
Looking forward to a trek towards a mosquito free-
 Nigeria.. ..........                                

Malaria, What is it?
Malaria is a common but deadly infection in hot,
tropical areas of the world. Malaria (although
rarely) can also occur in temperate climates.
Malaria is caused by a parasite known as
Plasmodium , injected into your body (blood) by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquitoes.

 In Africa it is estimated to
result in losses of US$12 billion a year due to
increased healthcare costs, lost ability to work,
and effects on tourism.
Heard there is an ongoing efforts to develop an effective vaccine to combat disease.
While waiting for the vaccine. .....
here are some suggestions of preventing the terrible disease.

*Maintain a clean environment .
*Clear away bushy surrounding to avoid mosquitoes breeding therein.
*Sleep under  treated nets.
*Use insecticide regularly.
*Apply  mosquito repellent on the skin.
*Take lots of  fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

My greatest influencer. ..my mother !!!

My mother is a great  source of positive inspiration for me.

   "She has been an influence,influencing my infleuncing character"

She is still maintaining a unique and distinguishing character that sometimes when I tend to derail her exemplary impacts on me always brings me back.
She is the first contact of personal development for me and also the first role model to me.
She is truly a woman of strong and refined character.
Now that I am a mother too...
It feels so easy and effortless to slip into the shoes of influencing my children to influence their own kids too,just like I am doing right now what my mummy taught me.

You gave  me a wonderful gift which has distinguishing mark on me....................
You're simply the best......

Happy mothers day.

Like,share and make comments if your mother has been a great source of positive influence on you.


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

My latest favourite recipe.....Gizdodo


In a blender /food processor blend
tomatoes , 1 onion, scotch bonnet and bell
In a clean pan , add 3 tables spoons of oil,
add blended mixture and allow to fry . Add
1 knorr cube , salt to taste , black pepper
and curry powder .

Step 2
In a clean pot , add washed gizzards and
cook with diced onions .
Add salt, curry , and 1 knorr cube . ( Add
dry pepper if you like very spicy food ) .
Boil for 15 - 20 mins or until gizzard is soft .
Adding extra water if necessary.

Step 3
In a pan , add oil and fry your plantains
until a golden brown .
Remove and allow cool on a cooling rack .
Fry the cooked gizzards for 5 mins or until
a little brown .

Step 4
In a pot on low heat , mix fried stew with
fried gizzard and fried plantains .

Step 5
Serve on a bed of arugula for a yummy
salad texture.

Recipe from GetWeCooking
Photo :Google

Take a pick on your kind of temperament.

Read on the types of temperaments,choose your kind of temperament and understand your nature better.

The Four Temperaments

Each of the four types of humours corresponded in
ancient times to a different personality type.

The sanguine temperament is fundamentally
impulsive and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are
sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social
gatherings, making new friends and tend to be
boisterous. They are usually quite creative and
often daydream. However, some alone time is
crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine
can also mean sensitive, compassionate and
thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally
struggle with following tasks all the way through,
are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and
sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they
pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it
ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much
people persons. They are talkative and not shy.
Sanguines generally have an almost shameless
nature, certain that what they are doing is right.
They have no lack of confidence.

The choleric temperament is fundamentally
ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of
aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to
instill it in others. They can dominate people of
other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types.
Many great charismatic military and political
figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of
everything. However, cholerics also tend to be
either highly disorganized or highly organized. They
do not have in-between setups, only one extreme
to another. As well as being leader-like and
assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden
depression. Essentially, they are very much prone
to mood swings.

The melancholic temperament is fundamentally
introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people
often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering
and considerate, getting rather worried when they
could not be on time for events. Melancholics can
be highly creative in activities such as poetry and
art - and can become preoccupied with the
tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are
perfectionists. They are self-reliant and
independent; one negative part of being a
melancholic is that they can get so involved in what
they are doing they forget to think of others.

The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally
relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive
to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content
with themselves and are kind. They are accepting
and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy
and often prefer stability to uncertainty and
change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm,
rational, curious, and observant, qualities that
make them good administrators. They can also be

Culled from
Organizational Development Portal

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Dear husband said it.......

Did you just say it? Dear husband. .......

He said " I love you "and I felt the fluttering of my heartbeat.
He said  "l  need you" and I felt the need to do more.
He said "l appreciate your efforts as a wife and mother" and I felt a driving force to conquer all obstacles.
He said  "You're are beautiful" and I forgot about the changes on my body and felt young again.

And the list is endless..........

Dear husbands don't just stay mute and assume your wife knows about how you feel without saying it out.
There is power in saying little sweet things to your wife.
This brings reassurance to your wife that she is been thought of.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Rolling it off my back.

"That’s my gift. l let that negativity roll of me like water off a duck's back. If it's not positive,l didn't hear it,lf you can overcome that,fights are easy"
    -George Foreman

Are you able to let things roll off your back or do lots of things really get to you?

Have you learn to relax,take things easy and worry less?

Letting things roll off our back means we're ready to:-

*Stand up and stand out.

*Worry less about what others think about us.

*Letting things go rather than dwelling in the past.

*Believing in yourself.

*Doing things that make you happy and believe in today.


Friday, 24 April 2015

What's the big thought? ........ Just gisting

Just gisting.

I finally got to watch the popular film October 1st by kunle Afolayan and  l was blow away.For me it wasn't the usual kind of story I would have thought of Nigeria's independence day.It was a different story yet it drove the message he wanted to achieve.  It was unique and a fresh of breath air.
That's what bringing a new dimension to whatever you do does.
Talking about bringing a new dimension to our endeavours,l recently wanted to change my looks and dread lock my hair because I wanted something easy and comfortable for me.
But I didn't want the usual dreads we see around,so I thought out of the box and invented something new for myself.
And I got the whoah effect I wanted.

Back to October 1st and other films  by kunle Afolayan I just love the dimension he took in the kind of films he wants to produce and we keep getting the "whoah effects" anytime we watch his productions.

Have you thought about bringing a new dimension and thinking outside the box to whatever you do of lately and getting that "whoah effects"you have always wanted.  ****winks****


Women in business

Women in business.
Get Inspired. .....

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Qoute of the day.

Quote of the day for every great mother out there striving to attain the role of a great mum to her kids.

This is a role we must participate actively to breed great children. 
The first role model and medium of learning to children is the mother. 
And that is why we must have a sense of goodness in our being  because this reflects in our interaction and the outcome of our children. 
Our future leaders of tomorrow.

The personality of our kids in future depends on the input we put in place while growing up.

Keep the great job up mothers by breeding children with great personality.


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Benefits of involving children in active community services development in our society.

We want leaders that will give back to the society,we want leaders and youths with a sense of humanity.
We want children who will show compassion for others and  understand the plight of people.

But we forget that we are lacking in our duties and responsibilities to instil in our children...leaders of tomorrow these basic principles of life.

What attitude as parents do we have for our kids to emulate.
What has the school curriculum taught these leaders of tomorrow about community services.
And what example as the society shown to them to make children have human feelings?
This is all about everyone.
It's high time we start engaging our children in active community service development.Once our children are involve in giving back to the society it becomes part of their personal development.

We don't need to start preaching when they become adults.They are already impressing us because they are giving back to the society because it has become an integral part of their character.

Then,in the nearest future we shall start to have youths and leaders who will have a mentality of making sure that each of their jurisdiction is adequately taken care of according to their capabilities.

I foresee a kind of future where aspiring leaders will come to manifestos and political debates with a portfolio of the services to humanity they have rendered and not "When I become. ........... l will construct roads,l will build schools and so on like we hear in our present day.

God Bless Nigeria!!!

Photo credit:Google

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Love note to my husband. ....

My love note......
to my husband. ......

    My love note
You are my african king .....l am your african 

   "Our love ever green"
   "Our love ever fresh" 
   "Our love ever lasting"


When was the last time you sent a love poem to your husband?
Did I hear you say "it's quite some time now"
Haba!!! My dear women what's happening?
Did I hear you say "When was the last time he did that too"
We don't have to wait for our husbands  to send love notes before we do that.

Just some few words from our heart can lit up the soul and makes our husbands feel like a Africa King. ....

It doesn't have to be a long note which can tend to bore them.
Just pouring your heart on how you feel about your union goes a long way.

Let's try setting the pace for them to follow.

 Bring back the sparks in your husband. ..
Send a love poem now!!!!!!

Photo credit:Google

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com   

Monday, 13 April 2015

Stress and it's effect on women.

Everytime I think about the duties and responbilities the  21st century woman passes through I always give kudos to the way we multi-task to attain the role of a great wife,wonderful mother and achiever in our various fields.But one of the things that affects our well being is stress.
What Is Stress?
Stress is the body's reaction to harmful
situations -- whether they’re real or
perceived. When you feel threatened, a
chemical reaction occurs in your body that
allows you to act in a way to prevent injury.
This reaction is known as "fight-or-flight,” or
the stress response. During stress response,
your heart begins to race, breathing quickens,
muscles tighten, and blood pressure rises.
You’ve gotten ready to act. It is how you
protect yourself.

According to a recent survey by the American
Psychological Association, stress is on the rise
for women. Women are more likely to report
having stress, and almost 50% of all women in
the survey, compared to 39% of the men,
reported that their stress had increased over
the past 5 years. 9 Stress also has unique
effects on women. A recent NICHD study
found that stress might reduce a woman’s
chance of becoming pregnant.

Why do some experts feel that women are
particularly susceptible to stress?
Women are socialized to be the caretakers of
others. More women than men have both a
career outside the home and continue to try to
juggle traditional responsibilities after hours.
Over 70% of married women with children
under the age of 18 are employed outside the
home. Sociologists describe women as
struggling to achieve the "male standard" at
work, while trying to maintain the perfect wife
and mother standards at home.

What are some common signs of stress?
Everyone responds to stress a little
differently. Your symptoms may be different
from someone else’s. Here are some of the
signs to look for:
Not eating or eating too much
Feeling like you have no control
Needing to have too much control
Lack of energy
Lack of focus
Trouble getting things done
Poor self-esteem
Short temper
Trouble sleeping
Upset stomach
Back pain

General aches and pains
These symptoms may also be signs of
depression or anxiety, which can be caused by
long-term stress.

What activities can help relieve stress?
Here are some examples of activities that can
help to refresh the body and mind:
Taking baths
Doing breathing exercises
Receiving back rubs/massages
Listening to relaxation tapes
Writing in a journal
Meeting with a friend
Engaging in spiritual reflection
Listening to music
Finding it hard to untangle?
Seek a little help:
Individual psychotherapy
Support group therapy
Relaxation training

WebMD Medical Reference
Cleveland Clinic

Friday, 10 April 2015

Discolouration during pregnancy.

Have you just a had a test to confirm you are pregnant?
Whoah !Great news.....Pregnancy can be fun with all the excitement of expecting to see your bundle of joy.But also comes with lots of hormonal changes in the body system you keep wondering where was your old self.
One of the changes that happens during pregnancy is Skin discoloration technically known as hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation occurs when your body
kicks up its production of melanin, causing
patches of skin discoloration. Sometimes these
darker spots occur in places where your skin is
already a little darker, like your breasts and
nipples, or your genitals. Moles, freckles and
even scars may look a little darker.
As many as 70 percent of pregnant women may
notice patches of discoloration on their faces,
especially on the cheeks, forehead, chin and
upper lip, says Dr. Kroumpouzos. This
distinctive discoloration is called melasma, or
"the mask of pregnancy." According to Dr.
Kroumpouzos, melasma can show up in three
patterns: in a kind of circle that covers the
center of your face; along your cheeks and
nose; or on the sides of your cheeks and along
your jawline. Sometimes, melasma can also
occur on your forearms. Doctors aren't sure
why, but women with darker skin are more
likely to develop melasma than fairer-skinned
girls, according to the American Academy of
Family Physicians.

You probably can’t prevent pregnancy skin
discoloration, but you can help minimize its
effects by being extra-vigilant.
Keep your skin under wraps. Exposure to the
sun seems to make skin discolorations darker,
even if you use sunscreen. Try a hat with a
visor that shades your face, and pull out
those long sleeves.
If you have chloasma, apply sunscreen daily
on your skin during pregnancy, even on days
you aren't going outside. Plenty of the sun's
rays come in through the window and can
affect your skin.
Some experts believe that discolorations are
linked to folic acid deficiency. Make sure
you're getting enough through your diet
and/or in your prenatal.

Monday, 6 April 2015

What's the big thought?

What's the big thought?

What impact has the strength to carry on done to your endeavours.
Let's get talking @Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Friday, 3 April 2015

Child Care:Dyslexia

Dyslexia is the name given to children or adults who experience difficulty with learning to read. Often they perform quite well in other learning areas for some time but eventually the dyslexic problem will have an effect on their overall learning. Dyslexic children tend to spell words in a peculiar way with letters back to front or in the wrong sequence. They often know which letters to write but they will place them in the wrong order................. e.g.  English - Engilsh   does - dose   when - wehn

Dyslexia is a lifelong condition that affects reading, writing, spelling and even speaking.Dyslexia is very common and is not a sign of low intelligence.Teaching methods that involve sight, sound and touch can improve skills significantly.

  Why is dyslexia a gift?
 Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers.They  are intuitive and highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning. Because they think in pictures, it is sometimes hard for them to understand letters, numbers, symbols, and written words. They can learn to read, write and study efficiently when they use methods geared to their unique learning style.

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia in Children

Children with dyslexia can have mild to severe impairment. Signs of the condition vary widely from person to person. Young children with dyslexia may have the following signs and symptoms:

A late talkerPronunciation problems.
Difficulty rhyming words.
Impaired ability to learn basics such as the alphabet, colors, and numbers.
Problems with handwriting and other fine motor skills.
Confusing letters such as "b" and "d" or the orders of letters within words.
Trouble learning the connection between letters and their sounds.

An estimated 25% of people with dyslexia also show signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

In older children or adults with dyslexia, these other signs may appear:

Trouble with reading, writing, and spelling.
Ongoing trouble with schoolwork.
Difficulty learning a foreign language.
Poor handwriting.
Difficulty remembering numbers.
Trouble following a sequence of directions and telling left from right.

Google:dyslexia. com..

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Personal Development:My lnfluencer.

It's another free day for me.A friend had come earlier in the day to pick up my kids for an outing with her kids.
I sat down in the living room drooling over a bowl of cereal. 
The ringing tone of my hand phone jolted me from my silly mood.
It was a friend asking after an event we intended 

My lnfluencer of lately have been lnfluencing my personal development skills. 

attending later in the week. 
Her last sentence made me remember three key things that has been a great influencer on my actions these days.
"The seminar is going to be a great influencer on my personal development"she said

I pencilled down some traits that has been a great influencer on my personality lately. 

#two wrongs don't make a right

"the patient dog eats  the fattest bone"
Sometimes ago I was in situation in which I had all the power to make quick decisions to be in my favour but resorted to be  patience with the situation on ground and exercise lots of patience which eventually paid off.
I had a permanent solution to it.....

"knowledge is power"
One of the greatest lnflunecer on my character is knowledge. Long ago l had realised the importance of knowledge.In my quest to personal development I search and seek for knowledge and this has been a great influencer on my personality. 

"two wrongs don't make a right"

Lola my dear friend said she made the decision to try not to right a wrong done to her with a wrong. She therefore tries using good tidings to deal with people. I borrowed from lola's decision and things have been working differently for me.

With these good intentions my personal development skills have been ranking up and I just love the influences it has on me and people around me. 

   - Nafisat