

Friday, 10 April 2015

Discolouration during pregnancy.

Have you just a had a test to confirm you are pregnant?
Whoah !Great news.....Pregnancy can be fun with all the excitement of expecting to see your bundle of joy.But also comes with lots of hormonal changes in the body system you keep wondering where was your old self.
One of the changes that happens during pregnancy is Skin discoloration technically known as hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation occurs when your body
kicks up its production of melanin, causing
patches of skin discoloration. Sometimes these
darker spots occur in places where your skin is
already a little darker, like your breasts and
nipples, or your genitals. Moles, freckles and
even scars may look a little darker.
As many as 70 percent of pregnant women may
notice patches of discoloration on their faces,
especially on the cheeks, forehead, chin and
upper lip, says Dr. Kroumpouzos. This
distinctive discoloration is called melasma, or
"the mask of pregnancy." According to Dr.
Kroumpouzos, melasma can show up in three
patterns: in a kind of circle that covers the
center of your face; along your cheeks and
nose; or on the sides of your cheeks and along
your jawline. Sometimes, melasma can also
occur on your forearms. Doctors aren't sure
why, but women with darker skin are more
likely to develop melasma than fairer-skinned
girls, according to the American Academy of
Family Physicians.

You probably can’t prevent pregnancy skin
discoloration, but you can help minimize its
effects by being extra-vigilant.
Keep your skin under wraps. Exposure to the
sun seems to make skin discolorations darker,
even if you use sunscreen. Try a hat with a
visor that shades your face, and pull out
those long sleeves.
If you have chloasma, apply sunscreen daily
on your skin during pregnancy, even on days
you aren't going outside. Plenty of the sun's
rays come in through the window and can
affect your skin.
Some experts believe that discolorations are
linked to folic acid deficiency. Make sure
you're getting enough through your diet
and/or in your prenatal.

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