Saturday, 29 November 2014
Get inspired....
Get inspired..... "The only money you can control on how to spend it is the only one in your pocket" - R.A Adebayo. Appreciate your job no matter how small or big you earn from it. The day you start waiting upon people to spend money is the you realize the worth of that job you never value or the little you had to spend,that you thought was weightless. Just be positive in all situations and you will get there. Nafi's Random Musings @ Twitter:nafisustain1 Instagram:nafisustain
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Stop sibling rivalry by attending to each child's needs.
Parents cannot ignore siblings rivalry because it's always there especially when you have more kids. Siblings are either competing for who holds the television remote,who plays with a particular toy,who opens the door first or who is singvourite song first and the list is endless. What is sibling Rivalry? Sibling rivalry is the jealousy,competition and fighting between brothers and sisters. Parents sometimes are guilty of encouraging sibling rivalry because we don't address issues well,we take sides,we show who we loved most to others,we never listen and we just assume children will out grow it as they grow up.Some children never out -grow it. A friend narrated how she created awareness for her first child when she was pregnant for the second one to avoid resentment when the baby arrives.This is a way of making the child to understand that no child is coming to take over his/her place.This creates a bond for the older ones with younger ones,so that when the child finally arrives they don't have a resentment for the new-born and in the latter days. All children are special and should be treated according to their peculiarities.I have come accross adults who rarely communicate to each other due to the damage sibling rivalry did in their lives. Some ways of promoting a healthy sibling relationship. *Treat your children unique needs. *Avoid comparing your children's abilities. *Set rules and regulations and punishment for going against the rules. *Don't take sides when there are battles. *Love each child. *Watch out for trouble-makers. *Understand and listen to each child. *Communicate and spend quality time with each child so nobody is left out. *Don't call them names. *Seek for divine intervention in all decisions you make for each child. Nafi's Random Musings @ www.nafisustain
Photo credit:Google
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Women in business..
Women in Business Cerheedarpearl Beauty Studio Professional make-over,gele tying and photo shot. @Moshalashi bus-stop Jakande estate.lsolo Lagos. Come and get the best look in that event. Call:07032198039 for booking.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Reminiscing:My Great Teachers..
Reminiscing back in those days. Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops. Henry Brooks Adams I remember the efforts of some great teachers in my life.We were encouraged and given challenges to bring out the best in us.Little did these teachers know that they were sowing a seed in the young minds. Back in those days at Government day secondary school minna. Reminiscing........ I remember the first day l read the news on the assembly ground.(I was in J.S.S one)It was just one of those fun days back then to me.But when l reflect on such great efforts made by great teachers back in those days,l just have to acknowledge their great effort on me. Model international school kaduna was another school where l met with excellent teachers who were always ready to bring out the best in each child and give room to exhibit your talent.It wasn't only about the academic aspects,they put in consideration the extra-curricular aspects which made every child felt recognized in various aspects they strived. The influence of a teacher has tremendous effect on children they teach.And that is why we must intentionally have positive influence on our pupils.Back in those days some teachers were like semi-god to me,likewise some have their names in my blackbook.***winks.Funny, but true,children never forget great teachers and those otherwise to them. The teaching profession is challenging but also a special profession.We must always be on toes because most parents nowadays are so busy that they shift their duties to the school.A teacher is a leader and that is why we must influence our leaders of tomorrow because a leader influences. Let's join hands in influencing our future leaders because we never can tell who among these children will need our impacts in the nearest future... If kids come to us from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important. This is dedicated to great teachers who have influenced and brought out the best in me..... Nafi's Random Musings@
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The Power of Listening.
The Power of Listening..
“ It takes a great man to be a good listener"
Calvin Coolidge
Our lack of patience as adults in listening to children has cost lots of children repairable damages.Most times adults don't actually listen to what children are saying.Likewise this deficiency also cost lots of individual unsolved problems. There is power in the act of listening to what children are saying....but then not just children.....
Learning is a result of listening, which in turn leads to even better listening and attentiveness to the other person. In other words, to learn from the child, we must have empathy, and empathy grows as we learn.
Alice Miller
When we listen it actually shows that we: 1.Love the individual communicating. 2.Ready to help the communicator. 3.Happy to see the individual. 4.Have trust in the communicator. 5.The individual is important to us. 6.Whatever the person is going through we are in together..most especially kids.. 7.Ready to accept the communicator's idea. 8.Feeling for the individual. Studies have shown that great listeners make great leaders.Make it a duty to listen to someone today.... Trust me lots of problems are solved that way...
“ Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking"
Bernard M. Baruch
Monday, 17 November 2014
A glimpse into my positive musings today
Get into the attitude of positivity in all situations.
A beautiful day...
It's one of those beautiful morning and you wake up with a great smile on your face,a silent prayer to the creator and a favourite song to sing as you go about getting ready for a bright day.
You are bursting with 120% energy and you just have a feeling It's going be a great day.
On the way to work..
As you set to cross the road a careless driver zooms by and splashes muddy water on your over-ironed clothes.
And you say to yourself
"Ooh what a mess but it's still going to be a beautiful day"
Arrival at place of work...
Your boss decides today was for mopping out left over jobs and that means closing late.You begin to wonder what the day has to unfold.
Yet you said to yourself."it's still going to be a beautiful day"
"I have plans for today"you thought.
In your good nature you did your best at work.You let go about the soiled clothes,overtime job and linger on with your thought.
"It's going to be a beautiful day"
Later in the day..
"I have to check my mails"you thought
And it popped up on the screen
You have just won a sponsorship for your dream project.
Whoa! It actually ended a beautiful day.
You slept with a smile on your face,a silent prayer and a favourite song to sing.
Get motivated
Positivity in all situations...
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Building Your Self-Image.
"If you put a small value on yourself,rest assured the world will not raise the price"
We often talk about how important it is to have a great self -image.The way we feel about ourselves tells how people rate us.
The truth is that we need to take a look at ourselves in the mirror and check if we like what we saw .
One of the atributies of living a good life is adding value to other people's life.If we don't have a positive value for ourselves,how do we then have an impact in people's lives?
You can't give out what you don't have.
"people are never able to outperform their self-image"
Some suggestions to help build your self-lmage by John C.Maxwell.
*Guard your self-talk.
*Stop comparing yourself to others.
*Move beyond your limiting beliefs.
*Add value to others.
*Do the right thing,even if it's the hard thing.
*Practice a small discipline daily in a specific area of your life.
*Celebrate small victories.
*Embrace a positive vision for your based on what you value.
*Practice the one -word strategy.
*Take responsibility for your life.
Question:lf you could pick only one word to describe yourself,what would it be?
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Work it out.
I usually have this baseless thinking that slim people don't need to exercise or hit the gymnasium because we are fit already especially for the women. Going to the gymnasium for me was for more on people who want to work it out,by shredding fats or for men who want to build up their biceps. "I am physically fit"l boosted to the instructor I was totally proven wrong when l met with instructor Ola.l was totally drilled to prove how wrong l was.l guess am yet to catch my breath as l write.So l decided to have a chat with instructor Ola and l was amazed at a whole lots of information l got from him and what l had being missing out. I knew l had to share some of the information with people who know next to nothing about exercising like me. There are two types of fat in the body.Fat that is visible on the outer part of the body and the inner one deposited in the body. The level of Cholesterol cannot be determined by your body size.Because you are not fat that does not mean you don't have lots of cholesterol deposited in your heart.Exercise reduces the rate of cholesterol in our body. The more we exercise the better for our well being. When the body has lots of fat therein it restructures the initial body frame of an individual. Note... *We usually admire others structure but fail to realize that we can work it out too. *Slim ones should not wait until they add weight before they get exercising. *You must be able to measure your belly/tummy with your thigh to determine whether you have fat or not. *No matter your structure like yourself. *Be yourself and learn how to bring out your structure. *Take a walk. *Start your day with water. *Eat lots of fruits. *Change your bowl of food to a smaller one. Exercise and keep fit... Kick out the cholesterol in your body... ADVICE: This is to encourage women especially that we can also add exercise to our list of duties.Start gradually at home first with few press-ups and skipping.This is because we tend to ignore ourselves most times by mother-henning others. Let's promote a healthy family by being healthy ourselves.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Question of the day.
"Mum you don't have to yell all the time"
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Celebrating Women Around Me..
Tip of the day.
"Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort,time,and energy needed to develop yourself"
Denis Waltey
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Get Writing.
Tip of the day.
Sometimes beautiful ideas just spring up and its the greatest of all.Documentation helps one in remembering the vivid picture of such ideas.
Get a notepad and pen around you to always jot down such great ideas.
This keeps your ideas fresh,have originality and a means of reminder when you tend to derail from your original plan.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Get inspired
"Seek knowledge no matter your age or how far it is"
A wealthy man and a knowledgeable man were ensue in an argument on who can spend more of what they have and would still have leftovers.
A day was set at the town hall for "spend your wealth and knowledge"
Two days earlier the wealthy man had engaged in a profitable business and had acquired more wealth.He went further to withdraw some his money in the bank.
The knowledgeable man decided to visit his mentor the "naughty professor"for that was his nickname to recharge his memory and acquire more knowledge.
The day:Mr wealthy spent all he had and yet Mr knowledgeable kept rolling out words of wisdom and powerful messages to the audience.At a time the wealthy sent one of his servants to withdraw everything he had yet the knowledgeable kept talking without moving an inch from his position.
LESSON:To be wealthy is a great pleasure of life.To be full of knowledge is the peak of all.Seek knowledge no matter your age and how far it might be.
No matter how much you spend out of the knowledge you have acquired you can never spend it all....
Be smart !Seek knowledge today.
Nafi's Random Musings