I sat down to reflect on what i really do at home that gets me so exhausted,late to work,and behind schedule most morning and pictures of the house chores such as cleaning the rooms,shopping for home supplies,doing laundry,cooking,paying bills,taking and picking the kids at school,sorting out clothes,kids home,washing kitchen utensils,calming the kids down,attending to the kids and spouse needs and lots more flashes in my head.Then,l know i had to get myself organized to weather the rush hour morning working days and busy bee weekends.And i came up with these few tips to get organized for working mothers like me who want to prioritize time ,become less tired and stay on time .
*Get containers and places where you can keep things such as things needed for school days such as kids socks,underwear,school shoes and lunch packs and writing materials.Baskets and laundry bins will also mop out a lot of items scatter around the house.
*Always have your alarm clock around you to wake up early ;this gives you time to do some leftover house chores and get prepared before the kids.
*Always have a plan of the meals you want to cook for the three square meal.this makes you abreast of the supplies in the house and keep tab with eating healthy meal rather then just walking to the kitchen and guessing what to cook.
*Get a routine of the house chores and other errands you want to run .
*Out source for helpers when the work is to overweening for you.
*Get talking to other moms through different such as close friends,internet mediums,grandparents etc to make you feel relieve that you are not alone in this.
*Have a game plan of getting to work early and closing on time to give a break.
*Take a lot rest when you need to.Don't be a perfectionist that always want to get your house chores and ear rands done all the time
*Kill two birds with one stone while your at your leisure hour interact with your children to get feedback of their feelings what was learn t at school.
*Connect with your creator always to give you the strength to be that super mother and wife to you want to be. .
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