

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Skip the serious attitude for once and have fun.

Yesterday was children's day and I had loads of fun with my children.

Age is just a number like they say and l allowed myself to get involved with the children's activities and l felt lot's of joy,energy and vitality.No  wonder children are always excited to have fun at any opportunity they have.
Why do we have to act serious all the time and miss having fun with our bundles of joy?
Having fun with our adults friends is cool but having fun with children is so thrilling and exciting. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood,
we’ve stopped playing. When we do carve out
some leisure time, we're more likely to zone out
in front of the TV or computer than engage in
fun, rejuvenating play like we did as children.Playing with the kids helps in aiding  children development, play
can also bring the family closer together and
strengthen the parent-child bond that will last a

Some benefits of play for you..
Play can:
1.Relieve stress. Play is fun and can trigger
the release of endorphins, the body’s natural
feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an
overall sense of well-being and can even
temporarily relieve pain.

2.Improve brain function. Playing chess,
completing puzzles, or pursuing other fun
activities that challenge the brain can help
prevent memory problems and improve brain
function. The social interaction of playing
with family and friends can also help ward
off stress and depression.

3.Stimulate the mind and boost creativity.
Young children often learn best when they
are playing—and that principle applies to
adults, as well. You’ll learn a new task
better when it’s fun and you’re in a relaxed
and playful mood. Play can also stimulate
your imagination, helping you adapt and
problem solve.

4.Improve relationships and your connection to
others. Sharing laughter and fun can foster
empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy
with others. Play doesn’t have to be a
specific activity; it can also be a state of
mind. Developing a playful nature can help
you loosen up in stressful situations, break
the ice with strangers, make new friends,
and form new business relationships.

5.Keep you feeling young and energetic. In
the words of George Bernard Shaw, “We
don’t stop playing because we grow old; we
grow old because we stop playing.” Playing
can boost your energy and vitality and even
improve your resistance to disease, helping
you feel your best.

Skip the serious attitude and have real fun today.

Source: Benefits of play
Photos credit:Nafisat

Change is here!!!

The big event is finally here and we can't all but breath out a long sign of relief and wait to see all the bountiful changes and good standard of living we all want to have unfolded.
The new government has brought out a new talent we never knew Nigeria youths had.
We have had series of trekkers in the cause of the new era and am still warming up for my own grand trek too  and lots of slogans has spread around the country l  have lost count of the latest version to say.......
But  one of the slogans that I keep recalling is "CHANGE"
Change from the dictionary means  The process of becoming different.
For example..... product is undergoing a change in order to improve it.
As we all know that any product that is undergoing a change sometimes might need for the parts of the product to be completely changed and new bodies added to make it an improved one.
We all want a changed economy,a changed standard of living and lots of changes in the basic amenities.We therefore must be willing to change our as usual attitude and embrace the process of changes to get an improved country.The process must involve everyone both young or old, rich or poor and our common goal will make us attain a greater Nigeria.
# ChangetowardsagreatNigeria

What’s the change you badly want from the new government?

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Power of internship in career development.

Power of internship in career  development.

An internship is:
A structured work experience related to a
student's major and/or career goal
An experience that should enhance a
student's academic, career, and personal
Supervised by a professional in the field
An experience that can be one academic
term (summer, spring, fall) or multiple
academic terms in length
Paid or unpaid, part-time or full-time
An experience that is mutually agreed upon
by the student, supervisor and/or faculty
Meets registration requirements for 0
credit hour or academic internship course
It’s important to note that to qualify as an
internship the position does not have to be
labeled “internship”. Many part time jobs,
volunteer opportunities, or even summer
jobs can qualify as an internship.
Internships might also be called a
practicum or co-op.

Benefits of an Internship

One of the recurring themes in any entry level job
search is the lack of experience factor. "Where do
I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?"
The answer is simple: Get an internship!
Students planning to enter the permanent work
force should complement their academic
preparation with a range of other experiences,
such as study abroad, community service,
undergraduate research experiences, participation
in sports and other student organizations,
membership in pre-professional organizations, and
An internship offers you the chance to learn by
doing in a setting where you are supervised by a
work-place professional, and have the opportunity
to achieve your own learning goals, without the
responsibilities of being a permanent employee.
An internship also offers you the opportunity to
work with someone who can become a mentor for
you - not only in the internship, but throughout
your career.
Career Exploration
Learn about a career field from the inside
and decide if this is the right career field
for you
Work alongside a professional in your
chosen career area
Observe the work place and see if it
matches expectations
Leadership and Skill Development
Learn new skills and add to your knowledge
base while gaining confidence in your
Opportunity to practice communication and
teamwork skills
Gain industry knowledge first hand from
an organization and professionals
Provide evidence that you have initiative,
are reliable, and have a sense of
Apply some of the ideas learned in school
and provide a bridge between school and
the professional world
Achieve a sense of accomplishment by
contributing to an organization
Networking and Establishing Mentors and
Meet new people and practice networking
skills while establishing a network of
professional contacts, mentors, and
Open the door to a recommendation for
steps to take next on your career path
Resume Enhancements
Gain valuable experience and
accomplishments to add to your resume
and/or enhance your application to
Graduate School
Create an advantage over other job or
graduate school applicants
Potential for a full time job offer at the
end of the internship based on your.

Culled from
PomerantZ Career Center.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Take charge of your life.

Every person is responsible for all the good within
the scope of his abilities, and for no more.                                          -Gail Hamilton

Taking personal responsibility of our lives means we have the passion and will to effect changes in our lives.Though we may not attain it overnight but making an effort is good enough to a process of self confidence.

" When you blame others,you give up your power to change"

Taking charge of our lives means we're not trying to escape from our lives but taking control,facing what's up in our lives and thereby allowing new solutions open up for us.

Nobody knows the true you like you do and that's why you have to take charge of your live and allow good tidings come to your lives.

Give yourself the permission to live the life you want and have doing it.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Understanding our different personalities.

Every one has their own style of thinking,reasoning,networking, work ethics:-achieving goals, working,friendship,interacting, communicating and lots more.

Understanding your kind of personality and people around you makes life easier for you.
You don't have to get worked up when human natures catches up with you . Your understanding guides your interaction with others and how we want to be treated.

Being able to predict how other people might feel is a part of emotional intelligence.Part of emotional intelligence is reading body language,watching and listening to people . People who are good at understanding others are usually good listeners.

Four personality types that Alison Mooney has
divided people into.

Four Personality Types

1. The Playfuls – Energetic, funny, loud, enthusiastic, extroverts who love speaking to
people. They are best at networking and socializing. They are also unorganized, forgiving,
and easily distracted. They are innovative, full of ideas, creative, and tend to work fast.          

2.The Peacefuls – Just as the title says it, they crave peace and order. They are easy
going, patient, diplomatic – always avoiding confrontation with others. They are very
grounded, and are emotionally stable. They balance out companies who are on the move or
fast-paced, and are best at building a working team.

3.The Powerfuls – Authoritative presence, productive, decisive, take control, do not give up
easily, internally strong, get to the point, work hard and accomplishing their many goals.

4. The Precises – They value structure, order, and compliance. They are organized,
procedurally strong perfectionists. They put work before play and generally stop working
only after they have done everything right.

How to Interact With Each Personality Type

1.Playfuls typically want fondness, attention, and approval.

2.Powerfuls typically want credit, loyalty, and appreciation.

3.Precises typically want quiet, space to work alone, and sensitivity.

4.Peacefuls typically want respect, value, and harmony between people in the workplace.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Trekking galore: trekking towards a mosquito free Nigeria

Back on track after some days of dulling around from  catching the malaria bug laced with sore throat.
It wasn't funny at all.

Come to think of it these mosquitoes have super power these days. They tend to have hi-tech resistant power to anything you use in eradicating them out.
Insecticides is like perfume to them.
To make  matters worse  sleeping under a mosquito net is terrible due to the heat these days and our dear epileptic power supply in the country.

The latest is trekking galore.......
Looking forward to a trek towards a mosquito free-
 Nigeria.. ..........                                

Malaria, What is it?
Malaria is a common but deadly infection in hot,
tropical areas of the world. Malaria (although
rarely) can also occur in temperate climates.
Malaria is caused by a parasite known as
Plasmodium , injected into your body (blood) by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquitoes.

 In Africa it is estimated to
result in losses of US$12 billion a year due to
increased healthcare costs, lost ability to work,
and effects on tourism.
Heard there is an ongoing efforts to develop an effective vaccine to combat disease.
While waiting for the vaccine. .....
here are some suggestions of preventing the terrible disease.

*Maintain a clean environment .
*Clear away bushy surrounding to avoid mosquitoes breeding therein.
*Sleep under  treated nets.
*Use insecticide regularly.
*Apply  mosquito repellent on the skin.
*Take lots of  fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

My greatest influencer. ..my mother !!!

My mother is a great  source of positive inspiration for me.

   "She has been an influence,influencing my infleuncing character"

She is still maintaining a unique and distinguishing character that sometimes when I tend to derail her exemplary impacts on me always brings me back.
She is the first contact of personal development for me and also the first role model to me.
She is truly a woman of strong and refined character.
Now that I am a mother too...
It feels so easy and effortless to slip into the shoes of influencing my children to influence their own kids too,just like I am doing right now what my mummy taught me.

You gave  me a wonderful gift which has distinguishing mark on me....................
You're simply the best......

Happy mothers day.

Like,share and make comments if your mother has been a great source of positive influence on you.


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

My latest favourite recipe.....Gizdodo


In a blender /food processor blend
tomatoes , 1 onion, scotch bonnet and bell
In a clean pan , add 3 tables spoons of oil,
add blended mixture and allow to fry . Add
1 knorr cube , salt to taste , black pepper
and curry powder .

Step 2
In a clean pot , add washed gizzards and
cook with diced onions .
Add salt, curry , and 1 knorr cube . ( Add
dry pepper if you like very spicy food ) .
Boil for 15 - 20 mins or until gizzard is soft .
Adding extra water if necessary.

Step 3
In a pan , add oil and fry your plantains
until a golden brown .
Remove and allow cool on a cooling rack .
Fry the cooked gizzards for 5 mins or until
a little brown .

Step 4
In a pot on low heat , mix fried stew with
fried gizzard and fried plantains .

Step 5
Serve on a bed of arugula for a yummy
salad texture.

Recipe from GetWeCooking
Photo :Google

Take a pick on your kind of temperament.

Read on the types of temperaments,choose your kind of temperament and understand your nature better.

The Four Temperaments

Each of the four types of humours corresponded in
ancient times to a different personality type.

The sanguine temperament is fundamentally
impulsive and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are
sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social
gatherings, making new friends and tend to be
boisterous. They are usually quite creative and
often daydream. However, some alone time is
crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine
can also mean sensitive, compassionate and
thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally
struggle with following tasks all the way through,
are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and
sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they
pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it
ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much
people persons. They are talkative and not shy.
Sanguines generally have an almost shameless
nature, certain that what they are doing is right.
They have no lack of confidence.

The choleric temperament is fundamentally
ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of
aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to
instill it in others. They can dominate people of
other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types.
Many great charismatic military and political
figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of
everything. However, cholerics also tend to be
either highly disorganized or highly organized. They
do not have in-between setups, only one extreme
to another. As well as being leader-like and
assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden
depression. Essentially, they are very much prone
to mood swings.

The melancholic temperament is fundamentally
introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people
often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering
and considerate, getting rather worried when they
could not be on time for events. Melancholics can
be highly creative in activities such as poetry and
art - and can become preoccupied with the
tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are
perfectionists. They are self-reliant and
independent; one negative part of being a
melancholic is that they can get so involved in what
they are doing they forget to think of others.

The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally
relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive
to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content
with themselves and are kind. They are accepting
and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy
and often prefer stability to uncertainty and
change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm,
rational, curious, and observant, qualities that
make them good administrators. They can also be

Culled from
Organizational Development Portal

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Dear husband said it.......

Did you just say it? Dear husband. .......

He said " I love you "and I felt the fluttering of my heartbeat.
He said  "l  need you" and I felt the need to do more.
He said "l appreciate your efforts as a wife and mother" and I felt a driving force to conquer all obstacles.
He said  "You're are beautiful" and I forgot about the changes on my body and felt young again.

And the list is endless..........

Dear husbands don't just stay mute and assume your wife knows about how you feel without saying it out.
There is power in saying little sweet things to your wife.
This brings reassurance to your wife that she is been thought of.