.....I decided to visit Aunty Jadesola after dreading to see her for some months now. My last encounter with her had made me thought of seeking more for myself and people around me.
...I need to do a quick rehearsal on what to tell her when l get to her house.l thought
After going through my lines of thoughts several times and failing to say it as l thought of it,l realised I just need to be comfortable with myself.
.....Wait a minute my waist watch isn't working.That I realised at the front door of Aunty jade sola.
"Don’t bother" I thought calmly.I just need to be myself.
"Nafi dear, it's nice to see you"Aunty Jade embraced me warmly.
"So spill it out ,what have you been up to these few months"she asked
Take a deep breath.l told myself.
I started slowly...I have,l have......"Come off it and just tell me how you have inspire someone"she said
.....l have been teaching with fun,inspiring,motivating young minds,writing...........and on and on l carried on.
"Whoah"Aunty Jadesola expressed.
"You have done alot for yourself. ...see my dear,you don't have to wait till you achieve those big dreams before you celebrate your accomplishment. Little things counts and these little things when consistently followed brings big dreams to limelight"She concluded
I beam with smile from ear to ear.
Appreciating my Aunty kind words compared to my last experience with her,when l had told her l wasn't doing anything to better myself and people around.
"Little things counts"
Write a list of positive things you have done lately whether big or small and you will be amazed at the much you have done and dont forget to celebrate yourself.
....Dreams can come true....
Keeping dreaming
Nafi's Random Musings
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