

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Healthy Competition for your business.

Every entrepreneur wants to make profit,every entrepreneur wants to remain in the market and wants to have a long list of customers demanding for their products.

But we always have a quicken heart beat at the thought of competitors in our businesses and services we render.

Look on the bright side of having competitors and you will appreciate having them around you.

Last time I checked,for example we have various detergent producers and everyone has it's own customers depending on the customers taste,consumption and money.
Having competitors is healthy for your business because it gives you the room to think and ask if you want to remain in the business.

I followed a trend of a product of recent and was amazed at their recent product and price  when competition sets in and the company had to go back to the drawing board.

Top Seven (7)reasons having competitors is healthy for your business.

1.Helps in strengthening your weakness and proffering solutions to it.

2.Makes you unique. Creative thinking sets in when everyone is producing or rending your kind of business.You will want to stand out.

3.Makes you stay focus on your customers wants,demand and keeping them.

4 . Helps your business to grow if you step up to the challenge.

5.A source of innovative for your business.

6.Makes you understand the consumers needs.Thereby,producing for their needs depending on your kind of customers.

7.Brings a new brand to your business because you think smartly and want to make more money.

Not forgetting it is a benefit to the consumers . There is opportunity to buy things according to ones taste because there is varieties in the market and at affordable prices. 

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Get your audience attention.

Sometimes we have valuable information that will do people around us lots of benefits but they way we dish it out matters a lot.

 Have you ever wondered why some individual usually command and gain attention whenever they talk to people?
 Have you ever thought of been listened to with rapt attention like you do to other speakers. Everyone can be that individual who wows everyone with their speech or presentation whenever they have to.

 Just learning the few tricks of how to get people to listen to you is important. Here are some tips.

 Listen: when we listen to others we get their attention,understand the message they are sending across and also shows we respect what they are saying.This method makes people listen to us back.

 Cut the unnecessary talks: People only want to listen to the vital aspect of the information you want to dish out. Stop beating about the bush go straight to the points. This method saves you lots of energy and makes you say things in a simple and understandable manner.

When your audience want more clarification they would ask for it.

 Understand the audience and focus on the topic: Use examples that will suit the age range you are addressing and brings a vivid picture to their minds.

Always questions to check on your audience and gain their attention back.

And don't forget to engage your audience in an interactive way this makes you and the audience relax and ease the tension in you.

 Have an engaging and interactive session with your audience.

 Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Fair and just leaders.

Fair and just leaders

Lawmakers should endeavour to pass through laws made by them to feel the impacts of these laws made by them and how it affects their followers .

 We have heard of stories of many great leaders whom disguised as ordinary citizens and try to feel the impact of their governance on the masses.

This feedback mechanism has made many leaders get the true picture of their actions on the lives of millions and ascertain whether it has positive or negative influence on their followers.

 Bearing this in mind, lawmakers should make reasonable,true,fair and unbiased laws which will suit everyone's interest and also satisfy the lawmaker's conscience.

 Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Friday, 23 January 2015

See you at the top.

Time has gone past when you worry about your beauty,your religion or your gender before you achieve your goals.

 You don't have to be fat or slim to be a successful woman.

Are you still bothering yourself about your height?"Am too tall,am to short"
Dont bother.When you become a command in your field you would have a lot of "wannabe"like you.
Maintain your body frame.

 Have you not had the song.

I know I can.
Be wanna l wanna be.
If l work hard in it .
I be where l wanna be.

  Oooh!You thought it's only a job for the male gender.
 There are lots of women making names for themselves in many uncommon careers.
I don't want to be a failure.
 If you don't make an effort how would you know your strengths.

 To crown it all you are naturally endowed with multi-tasking.
So don't just look at the beautiful you in the mirror today, look at the powerful woman who has the potentials to conquer all obstacles and achieve her dreams.

 See you at the top.

..... Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

l just want to be a great mum.

A mother's job is so challenging that sometimes you ask yourself if you're doing the right.
 Are my kids going to turn out great?
Am l a great mum?

 Perhaps you read a book on parenting or met with other mothers in a gathering and you are amazed at their parenting skills.You can't help but ask your self if your parenting is excellent.

 The good news is that you don't have to be hard on yourself. You're doing fine but only have to work on some techniques to make things work for you.
 There is nothing wrong with sharing ideas and experiences with other mothers.
What does not feel right is being a critic on other mother's style of parenting.

 "Some people can be a pain in the neck by criticising all efforts you make"complained a first timer mother.
 "A mother once accused me bitterly of wearing diapers for a eighteen months old child.She said l was wasting money and spoiling my child"said a friend during my research.
 "And l was confused on what to do. I stopped and had almost all my clothes messed up from poo and urine "she lamented.
    You don't have to cringe at some criticism on your parenting skills. Just tell them nicely"thank you" on their contributions and pick out the ones that works for you.

 "Follow your instinct on decisions you want to make on parenting especially when you are comfortable with it"was a wise advice an Aunty gave me.

 As mothers we need to understand what works for us, stop comparing and assuming that there is only a way to parenting.

 Trying out different ways and sticking to what works for you is a great plus for you.
 Work on the doubts you have about your parenting skills.

Get more knowledge when you are in doubt and be proud of yourself when you achieve success on the new style of parenting.

 Nobody is a perfect mother.

Say to yourself. ..I am a cool mum ....I am working on my parenting skills. I hope to be a successful one.

 Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Amazing benefits of carrot

Carrot comes in different colours such as yellow,purple and the common colour around orange.
 This crunchy vegetable is pack- full of amazing benefits that does both the inner and outer body lots benefits.
 Here are some of the amazing benefits that will make you add carrot as part of your regular intake.
 *Immune booster
*Improves vision
*Promotes healthier skin,hair and nails *Helps prevent infection
 *Cleanses the body
 *Protects teeth and gums.Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva,which being alkaline balances out the acid forming cavity forming bacteria.
 *Prevents stroke,cancer,heart disease general body diseases. 
*Ease digestion.


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Contribution of the day

This yoruba proverb makes me think straight, learn to accept my shortcomings and rejoice over my little achievements.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Safety conscious leaders of tomorrow.

As part of learning TRAUMA CARE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION was invited to my place of work (school) to train and develop young minds on THE RECOVERY POSITION when an individual is unconscious,has a cut or had an accident before taken to the hospital for proper treatment.
 Pupils were asked to demonstrate the steps to follow during emergency such as ..
*Clearing the environment safe from danger.
*Shouting or sending for help. *Checking the individual airways
 *Listening for breathing.
 *Positions for the individual.

  These are some safety tips every one should have at their fingertips.
  Help save a live..
  Get trained

 This is another way of building a great Nation by developing our children and making them a safety conscious leader of tomorrow. .....
Our children deserves to have knowledge in all ramifications.

 Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Tip of the day

Tip of the day

Monday, 12 January 2015

Want to create a lasting impression?

One of my strongest character is talking and talking. Surprisingly, l don't appear to lot's of people that way except for my immediate family...*winks*
Because most times l do the non stop talking amongst families.

(Laughing) So l said to myself "hey girl, why don't you channel lots of energy into your strength and make a difference.
 Hello....it's time to make a difference with your strengths and channel your energy into making a statement for yourself.
 And so l started talking by writing articles on various issues. .. ..
 Stand out Tell historical stories with your strengths. .. ...


Friday, 9 January 2015

Victory comes with patience.

  Patience is like a horse that never gets tired,an army that can never be defeated and a strong fortress that can never be breached.

 "Patience is the ability to wait for something without getting angry or upset . which is a great quality in a person"

 Most times we ask things from our creator and after a while get impatient and in a haste to see these things come to manifest.
But we forget that one of the test of life is ones ability to be patient in all our deeds. Our creator has asked us to put our trust in him,for he is ready to provide all our needs.lf only we will be patient enough for his bountiful mercies on us.
 I want to attain my victory so l am choosing PATIENCE as one of my character today.
 Like,share and make comments if this write-up inspires you. Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Thursday, 8 January 2015

What is PMS(Pre-menstrual Syndrome)?

Understanding your body system What is PMS(Pre-menstrual Syndrome)? PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome) is a term used to describe any symptoms which occur any time after ovulation and disappear almost as soon as the period arrives. So the crucial point is not what symptoms you experience but when. What are the symptoms of PMS? This is where a lot of confusion has arisen because over 150 symptoms can be classed as PMS. These can include: Mood swings Irritability Anxiety and tension Bloating Breast tenderness and swelling Water retention Acne Tiredness Weight gain Headaches/migraines Crying Spells Depression Sugar and food cravings Constipation Dizziness Quite a list! Personality changes associated with this time can be very severe with some women describing a Jekyll and Hyde change where they literally become a different person pre-menstrually. Women say that they know they are feeling and thinking differently to the point of being irrational but they have no control over those changes. For some women at that time the world seems completely negative, ‘everything seems black’, doom and gloom and they will often cry at the slightest thing without any real reason. Types of PMS In order to make classification of PMS easier, Dr Guy Abraham in America, devised a system of categories for the different types of PMS symptoms. These fall into four categories Type A – Anxiety This category which is very common in up to 80% of women each cycle, includes those symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, anxiety and tension. Type C – Cravings This group includes cravings for sweets or chocolates, increased appetite, fatigue and headaches. Up to 60% of women can experience these kinds of symptoms leading up to the period. Type H – Hyperhydration Type H includes symptoms such as water retention, breast tenderness and enlargement, abdominal bloating and weight gain. Up to 40% of women can experience these changes. Type D – Depression Depression is the largest symptom in this group but it can also include confusion, forgetfulness, clumsiness, withdrawal, lack of co-ordination, crying spells, confusion. Only 5% of women experience these symptoms but these can be the most serious if the woman is verging on the point of being suicidal. Many women will get symptoms from each Type during any one cycle. And for some women these symptoms can change from month to month, so they are not always experiencing exactly the same symptoms before each period. Source of Article: Dr Marilyn Glenville Women’s Health Issues Photo credit: Shutterstock

Tip of the day

Tip of the day

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Women in business

Hello Beauty Lovers, are you willing to be a pro in Makeup Artistry and Gele tying? Then join Cerheedarpearl Beauty @ the Carve like a pro workshop,which is aimed at career development and training individuals on how to achieve a flawless look,skincare analysis,bridal and engagement makeup,different styles of headgear/gele tieing, tools of the trade and how to build your business portfolio. First 10 students to register gets a free eyeshadow pallette. There would also be issuance of certificate to all participant at the end of training... Workshop details is as follows... Duration of training - 5days (Extension of training is optional ) Registration Fee - #5000 Date - January 12th, 2015 Time - Morning Session ( 11am - 3pm) ,Afternoon Session ( 3pm-5pm) . Venue - Jakande Estate Oke- Afa Isolo,Off Moshalashi bustop. P.S - All interested candidate in the makeup training should endeavour to register before the training commence,as there are limited seats available,first come first serve. For further enquiry,call us on 07032198039,08152390114 or email cerheedarpearl@gmail.com BBpin: 2ACF5AEB Whatsapp:. 07032198039 Come one, come all as you make your passion your profession Please kindly rebroadcast.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Guilty or not guilty?

It's time for lundary and I can't help but check my husband's pocket for some left-over naira notes***winks*** (you know how we do it fellow women)to clear those change and not deliver it. "Una sabi as we dey take pack any change we see for on top drawer for bedroom,their pockets and so more"(Loolz) Are you hiding your faces as some women claim they never do the checking of left-over notes during lundary time. Funny,l set my imagination rolling and imagine our husbands too searching their wives purses,hand bags,e.t.c for left-over notes. And guess what!!!For where, they will hardly find nothing except make up stuff s,long list of things to buy............but not money. We sabi keep our money well well. *winks* Question of the day Women:Do you search and corner all those left-over notes and fail to deliver for oga? Men:Do you mind this attitude? Looking forward to funny comments. .. Nafi's Random Musings @www.nafisustain.com

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Run miles with your dreams

Who says you can't run miles with your dreams. Why have you decided to settle down for people's thoughts of your dreams? Run miles with your dreams beyond even your expectations and get the whoah reactions from people. Have you thought of laying your thoughts on the table and re strategy zing your dreams. Have you thought of sourcing for more knowledge on your dreams and making it run miles. "lf you can dream it,you can do it" - Nafisat Do not denial yourself the opportunity of running miles with your dreams. Get Inspired Nafi's Random Musings @www.nafisustain.com

Thursday, 1 January 2015


.....I decided to visit Aunty Jadesola after dreading to see her for some months now. My last encounter with her had made me thought of seeking more for myself and people around me. ...I need to do a quick rehearsal on what to tell her when l get to her house.l thought After going through my lines of thoughts several times and failing to say it as l thought of it,l realised I just need to be comfortable with myself. .....Wait a minute my waist watch isn't working.That I realised at the front door of Aunty jade sola. "Don’t bother" I thought calmly.I just need to be myself. "Nafi dear, it's nice to see you"Aunty Jade embraced me warmly. "So spill it out ,what have you been up to these few months"she asked Take a deep breath.l told myself. I started slowly...I have,l have......"Come off it and just tell me how you have inspire someone"she said .....l have been teaching with fun,inspiring,motivating young minds,writing...........and on and on l carried on. "Whoah"Aunty Jadesola expressed. "You have done alot for yourself. ...see my dear,you don't have to wait till you achieve those big dreams before you celebrate your accomplishment. Little things counts and these little things when consistently followed brings big dreams to limelight"She concluded I beam with smile from ear to ear. Appreciating my Aunty kind words compared to my last experience with her,when l had told her l wasn't doing anything to better myself and people around. "Little things counts" Lesson Write a list of positive things you have done lately whether big or small and you will be amazed at the much you have done and dont forget to celebrate yourself. ....Dreams can come true.... Keeping dreaming Nafi's Random Musings @ Www.nafisustain.com