Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be – David Bly

One of the duties of a mother to her children is to keep them safe from household injuries.Household injuries such as touching hot water,a fall in the bathroom during baths,touching candles,touching electric appliances,drowning in water,slipping on tiles,falling into toilet seat,locking themselves in and lots more.Most especially during the toddlers stage when children needs 100% attention of their parents especially the mother.They are curious and excited to see themselves walk, play and many other characters they come up with during this stage.
As mothers we need to pay attention to not only household injuries such as touching hot things but also the one we tend to cause ourselves to these children.Such as the assessories we wear for our children which can cause serious harm to children.

Last week ,l went to check a friend who was placed on admissions in the hospital and l was sad at the scene l witnessed at the emergency ward.A woman was crying her eyes out for her child to be attended to.I moved closer to her to ask what was the problem,when l noticed her daughter's finger l felt so angry.The little girl was less than two years old,she had a ring on one of her fingers and the it had eaten deep into her skin.The little girl was in serious pains because she kept on pulling the little finger just to relieve her of the pains she going through.
People around rebuke the woman at her careless attitude all in the name of adorning the child.The doctor's were able to remove the embedded ring after long hours on the little girl.The little girl had a deep cut on the finger and the mother was seriously scolded because she claimed it never occurred to her to remove the ring. Am sure the woman learnt her lesson in the hard way.
It's okay to be fashion conscious and look good.But as mother's we must consider the kind of accessories we put on for our kids.For example neck chain is not advisable for toddlers because of their nature.They just want to play with everything.When we shop for children we should always put into considerations the hazards it can cause for our children.
A friend further enlightened me on things she put in consideration during the toddler's stage of her kids.
She said"l try to be very careful with things that they can reach and easily put in their nose,ears or even swallow.Things such as tissues papers,chalks,buttons,beads,leaving kids in the bathroom unattended to,the kitchen is a no go area for them"
She further recommended wearing of elastic band trousers or skirts when toddlers are learning to use the potty or start pre-schools in order not to wet their clothes.
Educating them on dangers of touching hot cups,candles,electric appliances and lots more.
In conclusion she said "Supervision is the best way in preventing toddlers from getting injured.
Promoting healthy children by supervising what they do.
Nafi's Random Musings
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