

Thursday, 31 July 2014

No limit

There is no Limit to acquiring knowledge .The more we aspire to learn the better we Become in our various fields. As we acquire knowledge it is important we always give out to people around us.lt is not right to think that when we give back to the people around us our knowledge decreases. The more we dish out our wealth of knowledge the more we become better.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Nugget of Wisdom

 “When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed”.
          Fred Rogers

Monday, 28 July 2014

Tip of the Day.

Stay Positive..

No job is useless except for the definition you give your job yourself.

Question of the day?

Say What?
What are the things your Parents told you while growing up and still clings to you and reflects in your character as an adult now?______________

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Nafi's Random Musings: Cough Etiquette

Nafi's Random Musings: Cough Etiquette

Cough Etiquette

Parents needs to teach their kids cough etiquette to prevent germs from spreading. Most times we cover our mouths with our hands when we or they kids cough, which is very wrong.

According to Paediatrics,it is safer and advisable to teach our young ones coughing etiquette when they are sick. This act involves teaching children to turn their heads and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or handkerchief.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Understanding Your Child'd Behaviour During Outings.

Taking children out for outings can be fun to kids but when parents think of the stress and behavior of the children during outings ,one think twice before mentioning outings to the kids.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

A gracious month

A great month. 

Has arrived.
Which makes me pious.
Which makes me devoted.

A great month.
Therein,I regulate.
Therein ,I abstain .
Therein,I contemplate and evaluate.

A great month.
With glad-tidings to mankind.
With peace of mind.
With blessings and rewards.
With happiness.

A great month.
Gently I talk.
Kindly I give out.
Humbly I accommodate.

A great month.
Little deeds,million folds of rewards. Rich or Poor.
Light is the stomach.
Digestive system takes a nap.
Healthy meals is taken.

A great month.
Purifies body from toxins.
Purifies the brain.
Rejuvenates the body.

Ooh what a short visit.
A great month.
Stay and comfort mankind.
Stay and make mankind humble.
Stay and make mankind love each another.
Stay and path the righteous way for mankind.

Wishing muslim brothers and sisters worldwide RAMADAN KAREEM!!!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Lean Me

No matter how strong and independent people

Rainy Days.

"It's raining its pouring The forests are smiling. The leaves are green The grasses are fresh Abundant food for mankind". Rainy days comes with showers of blessings and lots of abundant food for mankind .God in his infinite mercy has provided this season with the power to put smiles on the farmer's face,put varieties of food in our stomach and host lots of illness for kids.This is a season that requires lots of extra care from the parents to their children.Rainy season host lots of infection ,water and food borne diseases.This makes kids get all sort of illness due to their yet to develop immunity to fight against illness.Some common illness kids get down with during rainy season are Cold,Fever,Food Infection,Water infection and Cholera. Children are precious gift from God.Therefore,it is our utmost duty to take proper care and keep them from things that can affect their proper developmental stages.And that is why it is important we safeguard ,learn and provide things that will be useful to the family especially the kids during this season to prevent them from coming down with avoidable illness,shield the kids from rain and help build their immune system to fight against infections. Here are some necessary things we need to get around us during this season. Body Cover:Rain gear,water proof shoes,sweater,muffler,shower caps,gloves for babies. Medication:Lots of vitamin C ,multivitamins and food supplements.This helps activate the antibodies and reduce the severity of cold Cleanliness:Children should be encourage to wash their hands regularly ,wipe their runny nose with tissue and wash hands after cleaning up.Proper clean up after the use of the toilet is equally important. Nutrition:Take lots of fruits,lots of water and lots of vegetables. Ointment :Coconut oil,Olive oil,Shea butter,Blackseed oil,Menthol Balm. Others:Sleep under treated mosquito net,always take a shower after being drenched in the rain to prevent infection.