

Saturday, 3 November 2018

How to get nourished to flourish.

"How would your life be different if...You were conscious about the food you ate, the people you surround yourself with, and the media you watch, listen to, or read? Let today be the day...You pay attention to what you feed your mind, your body, and your life. Create a nourishing environment conducive to your growth and well-being today."

Steve Maraboli

Talking about flourishing your life and others around and failing to nourish yourself?

Leo Buscaglia Says

"You can only give away what you have ... If you have love, you can give it. If you don't have it, you don't have it to give"

Want to get flourished?
Here are some tips to help out

8 Simple Ways to Nourish Yourself .

Kim Horstman .

1. Listen to Your Body
No matter what lifestyle you currently maintain, you will experience beneficial effects from listening to your body’s signals.

2. Self-Empowerment
Be your own health advocate and decide what resonates, what truly resonates with you. After all, you are ultimately responsible for your health and you can live without disease!

3. Self-Love
Self-empowerment leads to self-love and self-love is the most important thing! This is where it all begins, and caring for your physical body is part of loving yourself. Make eating an act of self-love, and consciously choose to treat your body with respect and reverence.

4. Choose Your Attitude
Don’t forget your attitude! Health breeds awareness and joy for living. Look at yourself honestly and ask “do I have a good attitude about being open to change and/or new experiences”? I often tell people I would rather see you eat a hamburger with love, than a salad with hate. Learn to read your own perspective by being open. Allow your attitude of gratitude to shine through if for no other reason than to see if anything shifts for you.

5. Transitioning
Think about moving into this phase of your new lifestyle with an “adding-in perspective” as opposed to the standard diet mentality of “cutting-out”. Adding-in positively charged healthful foods will ultimately push out those unwanted unhealthy foods, and you will not experience that painful perspective of craving.

6. Experiencing
Try to commit to 1 day, 1 weekend, 1 week (or longer), and just try to FEEL the difference a small change can make. Also try sharing the experience with your partner or a friend.

7. Socializing
We all have established ‘social situations’ we are part of, and we tend to use these situations as excuses and reasons why we do, or don’t do certain things.
Remember that when you are living the best version of yourself, you will inspire others to live the best version of themselves!

8. Conscious Mind-Body Living
Consciously nourishing your mind and body is essential.

Have fun getting nourished.

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