Why you need to know your Strengths
Yesterday I was having an interactive discussion with some few teachers during a training and we spoke at length about knowing our strengths and channelling our energy, passion ,zeal and all we have got to make it a hit!
Have we stopped to think why some people just excel with flying colours at what they do.
Is it just luck?
Is it a guessing game?
Is it Strengths?
Yes it is Divine.......
But do we also realise understanding strengths and weaknesses playing out here.Which makes me want to further probe and learn more on understanding our strengths and the advantages of using it wisely.
What are Strengths?
Strengths are a unique combination of your skills, talents, knowledge and experience. You have many Strengths, some are obvious, but many others aren’t. Many of your Strengths go underutilized, unappreciated, and too often, unrewarded.
Reasons Why We Need To Know Our Strengths.
1. Saves you time – Finding out what you are good at will allow you to save time on having to re-learn a skill or job. Not that you are trying to study or check out your other career options, but if you are, knowing which talents or skills you have will help you narrow your choices right away
2. Allows you to grow even more – Sitting down and writing down what you are strong at, or what you can excel at, can help you branch out and aim even higher than you were before. You can achieve so much more than you thought you could!
3. Boosts your self confidence – Finding out what your strong points are, no matter what they are, will definitely give you a boost in self confidence. They might even be skills like drawing, writing or cooking. When we feel confident, we can achieve so much more.
4. Makes you a happier person – When you feel good about yourself, you know you can do anything! Deep inside, knowing you have a skill set that will give you an edge will definitely make you a happier person.
5. You can be an inspiration and guide for others – When you have taken the time to check and analyze your strengths, you can now use that to be an inspiration and a guide for others. You can be the light at the end of the tunnel for others. Your boss will love you for it.
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