

Sunday, 17 April 2016

We want great leaders of tomorrow.

We want leaders that will give back to the society,we want leaders and youths with a sense of humanity.
We want children who will show compassion for others and  understand the plight of people.

But we forget that we are lacking in our duties and responsibilities to instil in our children...leaders of tomorrow these basic principles of life.

What attitude as parents do we have for our kids to emulate.
What has the school curriculum taught these leaders of tomorrow about community services.
And what example as the society shown to them to make children have human feelings?

This is all about everyone.
It's high time we start engaging our children in active community service development.Once our children are involve in giving back to the society it becomes part of their personal development.

We don't need to start preaching when they become adults.They are already impressing us because they are giving back to the society because it has become an integral part of their character.

Then,in the nearest future we shall start to have youths and leaders who will have a mentality of making sure that each of their jurisdiction is adequately taken care of according to their capabilities.

I foresee a kind of future where aspiring leaders will come to manifestos and political debates with a portfolio of the services to humanity they have rendered and not "When I become. ........... l will construct roads,l will build schools and so on like we hear in our present day.

God Bless Nigeria!!!

Nafi's blog@ www.nafisustain.com

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Tips on when couples disagree on parenting style.

 When couples disagree on parenting skills.

As parents we aspire to make our kids greater than us.Ensuring this entails lot's of parenting skills. Sometimes we may want to address issues or discpline our kids in our own style but usually have our spouses not agreeing to our style parenting.
As couples we are not the same individual,there is bound to be a disagreement in agreeing to a kind of parenting style.Our upbringing, exposure,environment we grew up and beliefs influences our styles of parenting.
Mummy might like talking one on one with the kids while Daddy likes the firm hand with the kids.
Definitely couples with differences will argue over how to discipline their children.Most couples have opposite qualities which attracts each other . Unfortunately
these very qualities that pull us together often become those that threaten to push us apart.Things will be fine if parents can use the following guidelines and agree at a point the kind of parenting style they want for their kids.

*Couples should back-up each other decisions.

*Make each other look good. Both daddy and mummy should be the great guy to their kids.

*Talk about the kind of parenting style you both want when you are both calm and in a good mood.

*Agree to a particular style of parenting style different issues.

*Make your child understand the reasons why "dad" or "mum" is taking a decision and don't paint your spouse bad in front of your child.

*Get information on your spouse's upbringing, the environment they grew up and their beliefs to understand their points and know how deep their feelings are  on parenting . Because these points influences and affects our reasoning as parents.

*Avoid getting into an argument but rather try and stay calm and listen to each other.

*Take a time out when things tends to get out of hand.

*Seek professional advice if you can't cope anymore.