

Saturday, 31 October 2015

For every parents

Every Parent wants a better life for their children than the ones the parents went through when growing up .Agreed,education is the best legacy any parent can give to their children. But there are some many other things we need to incorporate in the lives of our children as we observe  our parenting roles to make them better off.

 1.Practise religion and belief in God.
We will be doing a great harm to our kids if we're practising our various religions and not encouraging our offsprings to participate actively in the doctrines for them to become a God fearing adults.

 2.Stand up for themselves
Statistics have shown that 1 in every 6 children is bullied on a regular basis . Children need to be taught the values of life and have firm believe in themselves so that they don't fall into the pressure of peers or bullying . This also entails teaching them to talk to their parents about any pressure or bully they face  and also respecting others values and beliefs.

 3.Think Critically
Giving children the opportunity to think critically about decisions they are about to take makes them take better decisions later in life. Parents should allow children come up with some answers whether in school work or choices of wants.

 4.How to be Independent
A large per cent  of grown adults these days can hardly perform some simple home chores or basic things in life.
Ignorance or never being taught is listed as the second top reason for this. Parents should include their kids in their daily activities.By getting involved they learn lots of skills from their parents and therefore live independently when they are on their own.

 5.Value of money and time
Getting children involved in the act of saving money and not wasting time is very important because this habit will form  an integral part of their lives in future.

 6.Build relationships and respect
Children should be able to learn the importance of building relationships from their parents. Maintaining a good relationship with people around and families matters alot.Remembering important dates such as wedding anniversary,birthday etc.Exchanging greetings and wishing people well,saying "thank you",helping people,
reassure children that mistakes are good not bad are some the personal development every individual needs . Children learn all these when they see their parents doing all these acts.

 7.Readers are leaders
Great leaders are readers.It doesn't matter the child's age lot and lots of books should be introduced to children.Parents should get lots of books for children according to each child's age ranging from pictorials, spellings, story books e.t.c to read.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

International day of the girl child.

"A girl child brings joy, she is no less than a boy"

International Day Of The Girl

The joy of parenting knows more joy when a girl child is brought to the world.The beauty of a girl child continues when she starts to exhibit the role of a sister to her siblings,the role of a helper and friend to her mother, the role of a comforter to her husband and a great asset to her nation because if you train a girl child you have trained the whole nation.

        "No girl – so, no mother –        ultimately no life"

She is a unique creature from God to make the world splendid.

Investment in girl child education benefits the individual, society, and the world as a whole.Supporting the girl child makes her a confident woman which radiates in lots of people's lives. Filling her growing life up with love and care brings up a passionate woman about different causes of life because this influences her reasonings in all her endeavours.

    Promte the girl child!!!
Happy International Girl Child Day

Thursday, 1 October 2015

My independence day message to every Nigeria

Today I remembered some years back when I was in primary school and we were all full of excitement to wave at the present  president then during every independence day.
We had on sparkling white socks and neatly ironed uniforms.....Oooh such great memories.All that matters to my young mind and friends then was the opportunity to be able to wave to the president and  get a smile from him.

2015.....55years old Nigeria

Today is another October 1st  and l woke up early eagerly waiting to hear the presidential speech from the present president(President Muhammad Buhari)and all that matters to my adult mind is the state of the country,provision of basic amenities for the masses,security state of the county,health sector,electricity,education and the list is endless.
Independence day for me is not all about wearing green white green or attending functions . It's all about what the government is doing about the wellbeing of the masses and that little little right act we the masses engage ourselves in.
Are we throwing trash on the floor or throwing it in the dustbin?
How well do we do our jobs in our various fields?
Nigeria is a great country abundantly endowed with lots of minerals resources,diverse cultures, intelligent individuals and richly blessed land.Singing over and again the national anthem gives me the spirit of being a true patriotic Nigerian.....
Reciting the pledge should serve as a source of reminder for every Nigeria our duty to make this country a greater one....
We cannot afford to let the 55 years old country down....
We need to uphold the dreams of our heroes past and make Nigeria great.
The young mind who is all excited to get a glance at the president and share a wave of the flag will one day become the leader of tomorrow.Adult nigerians have a duty to  nuture a positive young Nigerian.
For the "young shall grow " The adult mind needs the love of this country to make it greater.
Let's all join hands both young and old to make Nigeria a great Nation.

God bless Nigeria!!!