

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Personal Development:My lnfluencer.

It's another free day for me.A friend had come earlier in the day to pick up my kids for an outing with her kids.
I sat down in the living room drooling over a bowl of cereal. 
The ringing tone of my hand phone jolted me from my silly mood.
It was a friend asking after an event we intended 

My lnfluencer of lately have been lnfluencing my personal development skills. 

attending later in the week. 
Her last sentence made me remember three key things that has been a great influencer on my actions these days.
"The seminar is going to be a great influencer on my personal development"she said

I pencilled down some traits that has been a great influencer on my personality lately. 

#two wrongs don't make a right

"the patient dog eats  the fattest bone"
Sometimes ago I was in situation in which I had all the power to make quick decisions to be in my favour but resorted to be  patience with the situation on ground and exercise lots of patience which eventually paid off.
I had a permanent solution to it.....

"knowledge is power"
One of the greatest lnflunecer on my character is knowledge. Long ago l had realised the importance of knowledge.In my quest to personal development I search and seek for knowledge and this has been a great influencer on my personality. 

"two wrongs don't make a right"

Lola my dear friend said she made the decision to try not to right a wrong done to her with a wrong. She therefore tries using good tidings to deal with people. I borrowed from lola's decision and things have been working differently for me.

With these good intentions my personal development skills have been ranking up and I just love the influences it has on me and people around me. 

   - Nafisat

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

For every woman.

Top things every woman needs to know. 

1.The right size of her bra.
Reason Why You Need A Bra That Works With Your BodyYour bust has no muscle.When gravity pulls your breast down, it also stretches your throat and face tissue.Your breast depends on an outside source of support to keep its shape.The shape of your breast is determined by the bras you wear.Your bust must be lifted to allow for proper circulation.Without proper support, lymphatic drainage is impeded, which interferes with cellular health. 

2.Her emotional intelligence
What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they're feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people.

3.Her strengths and weaknesses. 
4.Her personal hygiene.

5.Her dress sense- her choice of clothes depending on her body frame, her choice of colour depending on her skin colour and style. 

6.Stop apologising for being yourself and appreciate yourself. 

7.Stop caring about what everyone thinks about you.

8.Keep a few great friends who who will always tell you the bitter truth .We need them around to make us  grow.

9.Accept your gender,age and what comes with these responsibilities. 

10.Take a break and indulge in yourself. Take a walk,watch a movie,shopping or just get involve in what unwinds and relaxes you when you need that break. 

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Friday, 20 March 2015


"For me the challenge isn't to be different but to be consistent."

      - Joan Jett

What is Consistency?
acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

"It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently"
      -Anthony Robbins

Benefits of Consistency  For Babies
   -Better Brains For Babies

Children benefit from consistent environments, relationships, and interactions. Consistency provides repetition that strengthens connections in the brain. Positive consistent environments help children develop trust, emotional security, and secure attachments. Consistent environments give children the security to feel relaxed, be open to learning, and laern how to manage their own behavior and make good decisions.

Benefits of Consistency to one's Business.


Benefits of Consistency to one's personal attributes.

*Consistency makes you relevant.
*Consistency establishes your reputation.
*Consistency allows for measurement.
*Maintains and passes an individual message across.

One of the finest qualities that defines one's personality is how consistent one is in exhibiting our characters.

Like, share and make comments if this write-up inspires you@nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Women in business:Meet founder of Kas creativeworld.

Khadeejah Abimbola Sulaimon founder of KAS Creative world. An epitome of knowledge and talents.
BSc in Human Resources and personnel management
From the Haute Ecole de Commerce et de management at the Republic of Benin, which is translated as the High school of Commerce and management
Diploma in French from the Nigerian French language village in Badagry
English from University of Abomey Calavi, at the Republic of Benin
 Her passion:
She loves creating designs with fabrics.
She enjoys traveling and loves
empowering people.
When she is not creating designs she works as a tour guide,
An interpreter
French to English and English to French.She is also into  excursions and marketing of
French tourism, agro tourism, weekend getaways for couples,
Monumental tourism and
Beach house tours.
Khadeeja is a wonderful woman to interact with,a caring  wife and wonderful mother to her kids.
Hangout with her @ whatzapp 07019290096,08170086522
bbm 52d719e1
Facebook www.facebook.com/kascreative world.

Like, share and make comments if this write-up inspires you. Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Conflict resolution.

How well do you handle conflict resolution?
Check this out and pick your style of conflict resolution. 
Let's get talking. .......

Monday, 16 March 2015

What's the big thought?

Tip of the day. 

It is more effective to be polite and flattering than to be hostile or demanding.

You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuasion and flattery than by hostile confrontation.

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Sunday, 15 March 2015

What's the big thought?

Check out what a four year old boy did.
What’s the big thought?
Instead of counting only the objects he went
Can you guess the subject he thought of____________

Happy Mothers Day

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.

Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Inspiration is contagious.Pass it on.

Come Tuesday 17th of March 2015 my blog Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com will clock a year......
Nafi's Random Musings is marking it in a grand style with a question and grand gift.........

Here's the Gist
Write few lines on what inspiring means to you and how you have been able to inspire someone.

The person with the most inspiring and liked write-up gets to be featured on my blog on my new segment "What inspires you"

Send writeups to only my facebook timeline or face book page @Nafi's Random Musings

Looking forward to your inspiring contributions.

Inspiration is contagious.Pass it on



Thursday, 12 March 2015

I Love My Spouse.

I Love My Spouse :
No Be For Mouth.

Marriage and Farming has a lot in common just like the farmer gives water,manure and the creator provides water,sunshine and air for a plant to grow and blossom so also does the husband and wife be determined to have a blossoming union by watering their union with love, care, understanding and lots more for the marriage to grow and wax stronger.

Saying the words "I love my spouse" means nothing until it is backed up by concrete steps and actions to complement the statement. New research on martial satisfaction underscores the importance of having fun in a relationship.

Stony Brook University Social Psychology Researchers Irene Tsapelas and Arthur Aron,along with University of Michigan Researcher Terri Orbuch,interviewed a representative U.S sample of 123 married couples seven years into their marriage,and then again,nine years later,16 years into their marriage,and found that those who felt bored in their marriage at 7 years were significantly more likely to feel bored and less satisfied after 16 years of marriage. The researchers asked couples questions like,"During the past months,how often did you feel that your marriage was in a rut,that you do the same thing all the time and rarely get to do exciting things together as a couple",it was found that boredom at 7 years was correlated to increased boredom even 9 years later.        

Aaron has done previous research on couples that has shown that when couples go through new experiences and challenges together,marital satisfaction increases. thereby it is advice able for couples to maintain high levels of marital quality over time,couples need to make their lives together exciting.

Terri Orbuch a Psychologist and Author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great recommends that couples talk to each other for at least 10 minutes a day,but not about work,family or the relationship "our partners change overtime,and there are new things going on with them". Questions like "If you could start over with any career what would it be".

Couples should try and make a firm and strong determination to have fun with each other and talk regularly. Having fun is an important part of stress management .Studies have shown that wonderful health and stress relief benefits to laughter which leads to body wellness and happiness .Ways of having is through meeting with friends,telling jokes,maintaining a sense of humor and have lots of exercise and play, these ways can be enjoyed most when with a loved one.

 Some Things Happy and Fun Loving Couples Do.
*Go to bed together.
*Make trust and forgiveness your default.
*Have common interest.
*Hug each other daily.
*Say l love you often.
*Say goodnight regardless of what's on.
*Be proud of each other.
*Adjust expectations and choose attitude.
*Communicate .
*Make Love Regularly.
*Have good health and forgetting memory of past and present issues.
*Laughter and Honesty.
*Check on each(either call or sms)
*Focus on what couples does right not wrong.
*These and many more things.

Not all couples know about how to make their marriage fun and exciting .Some even claim they lack ideas on what to do to please their beloved ones .It is advised that couples write out a list of their wants and needs and exchange with each other and will be amazed at the little things our spouses truly want and need to make them happy and not bored in the union.....

Some Wants and Needs of a Husband.
*Let him watch sport and news or join him.
*Have dinner ready and announce that its special meal specially made for him.
*Call him during the day and wait till for him till he is back from work.
*Give him a massage and tell him he smells nice.
*Tell him you appreciate his help and support.
*Go to the salon with him.
*Get along with his mum.
*Touch him especially on the face.

Some Wants and Needs of a Wife.
*Call and Sms her some love during the day.
*Cook once in a while.
*Help a lot in the house hold chores.
*Mark and don't forget special dates and bring along with a gift.
*Help with the kids .
*Say something about her Hair and Clothes it was specially made and worn for the husband.
*Learn to go shopping with her.
*Listen to her talk both verbally and non-verbal.
*Don't get angry when she can't do some home chores
*Give her a hug
*When she laments and worried over issues. Just say "everything will be fine"and she will be greatly relieved.

Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

My choice of soup brought in lots of realizations.

 My choice of soup brought in lots of realizations.

 Today l ran out of what to cook for dinner and l said to myself as l dash into the market that anything that catches my attention first is in for dinner.

 And whoah l found myself in front of the lgbo woman selling varieties of soup ingredients. I ordered for ogbono blended with egusi,crayfish,pepper,stock fish my ugu leaves and e.t.c The woman beside me kept lamenting.

"Madam you sabi cook this soup" "Madam your husband be igbo" I smiled at her and said"l eat varieties of soups Madam"
 And conversation ensued between the woman and l.
 She never thought of learning to cook and eat from other cultures and so she was surprised to see a yoruba woman ordering for igbo soup ingredients in a yoruba land.
 I knew I had to write about this on my blog because my conversation with the woman was an eye-opener for her and for me.
 I never know who might end up catching the bug too. "Cook and eat from another ethnic group"

 God loves Nigeria so much for the country is richly endowed with lots of varieties of soups from different ethic groups,which we can learn to cook and eat from.
We don't have to force down through our throats only our ethnic soups especially when we are tried of it ,when we have numerous recipes from others.
 Surprisingly we may even prefer other ethnic groups meals to ours. I see this as a way of uniting our various ethic groups as one .
 For me it is a way of having varieties to choose from,rather than remain a boring woman who cooks and eats what she is familiar with only.
 "Variety is the spice of life"

 God has a reason for providing us with various unique and diverse soups and meals and therefore it is the duty of every woman to enjoin in the bountiful blessings.

 Like, share and make comments if this write-up inspires you. Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com