I Love My Spouse :
No Be For Mouth.
Marriage and Farming has a lot in common just like the farmer gives water,manure and the creator provides water,sunshine and air for a plant to grow and blossom so also does the husband and wife be determined to have a blossoming union by watering their union with love, care, understanding and lots more for the marriage to grow and wax stronger.
Saying the words "I love my spouse" means nothing until it is backed up by concrete steps and actions to complement the statement. New research on martial satisfaction underscores the importance of having fun in a relationship.
Stony Brook University Social Psychology Researchers Irene Tsapelas and Arthur Aron,along with University of Michigan Researcher Terri Orbuch,interviewed a representative U.S sample of 123 married couples seven years into their marriage,and then again,nine years later,16 years into their marriage,and found that those who felt bored in their marriage at 7 years were significantly more likely to feel bored and less satisfied after 16 years of marriage. The researchers asked couples questions like,"During the past months,how often did you feel that your marriage was in a rut,that you do the same thing all the time and rarely get to do exciting things together as a couple",it was found that boredom at 7 years was correlated to increased boredom even 9 years later.
Aaron has done previous research on couples that has shown that when couples go through new experiences and challenges together,marital satisfaction increases. thereby it is advice able for couples to maintain high levels of marital quality over time,couples need to make their lives together exciting.
Terri Orbuch a Psychologist and Author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great recommends that couples talk to each other for at least 10 minutes a day,but not about work,family or the relationship "our partners change overtime,and there are new things going on with them". Questions like "If you could start over with any career what would it be".
Couples should try and make a firm and strong determination to have fun with each other and talk regularly. Having fun is an important part of stress management .Studies have shown that wonderful health and stress relief benefits to laughter which leads to body wellness and happiness .Ways of having is through meeting with friends,telling jokes,maintaining a sense of humor and have lots of exercise and play, these ways can be enjoyed most when with a loved one.
Some Things Happy and Fun Loving Couples Do.
*Go to bed together.
*Make trust and forgiveness your default.
*Have common interest.
*Hug each other daily.
*Say l love you often.
*Say goodnight regardless of what's on.
*Be proud of each other.
*Adjust expectations and choose attitude.
*Communicate .
*Make Love Regularly.
*Have good health and forgetting memory of past and present issues.
*Laughter and Honesty.
*Check on each(either call or sms)
*Focus on what couples does right not wrong.
*These and many more things.
Not all couples know about how to make their marriage fun and exciting .Some even claim they lack ideas on what to do to please their beloved ones .It is advised that couples write out a list of their wants and needs and exchange with each other and will be amazed at the little things our spouses truly want and need to make them happy and not bored in the union.....
Some Wants and Needs of a Husband.
*Let him watch sport and news or join him.
*Have dinner ready and announce that its special meal specially made for him.
*Call him during the day and wait till for him till he is back from work.
*Give him a massage and tell him he smells nice.
*Tell him you appreciate his help and support.
*Go to the salon with him.
*Get along with his mum.
*Touch him especially on the face.
Some Wants and Needs of a Wife.
*Call and Sms her some love during the day.
*Cook once in a while.
*Help a lot in the house hold chores.
*Mark and don't forget special dates and bring along with a gift.
*Help with the kids .
*Say something about her Hair and Clothes it was specially made and worn for the husband.
*Learn to go shopping with her.
*Listen to her talk both verbally and non-verbal.
*Don't get angry when she can't do some home chores
*Give her a hug
*When she laments and worried over issues. Just say "everything will be fine"and she will be greatly relieved.
Nafi's Random Musings@ www.nafisustain.com